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That is my essay School uniform. However, I need wedge issue…

That is my essay School uniform. However, I need wedge issue paragraph befor conclusion. please read my essay and help me with that it needs to be according to my point in my essay. I appreciate your help.

School uniforms have increased in popularity at public schools in the United States, despite being more common at private schools and schools in other nations. The first public schools in the nation to adopt policies requiring school uniforms were three elementary schools in Baltimore, Maryland, and one in Washington, DC, in 1987. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) of the US Department of Education reports that during the 2017-2018 academic year, nearly 20% of all public schools mandated uniform wear for students. Charter schools (63.8%) had uniform policies more frequently than regular public schools (16.9%). They were less common in higher grades as well, with 22.9% of primary schools, 18.0% of middle schools, 10.4% of high schools, and 18.8% of combined middle schools reporting them(School Uniforms). School uniforms are so common now that debates about their value and whether uniform requirements for students should remain in place have emerged. School uniform proponents claim that the benefits greatly outweigh the drawbacks. The advantages of uniforms include their ability to improve confidence, reduce bullying, and aid in improving student focus. Many disagree with the idea that these positives are true because they fail to comprehend how donning a uniform can instantly alter one’s personality. asserting that a student wearing a uniform does not automatically make them want to attend a class every day if they haven’t in the past or immediately give up a history of in-school violence. The freedom of expression of students is severely restricted by school uniforms, according to opponents of the practice.


According to supporters of the idea of school uniforms students will feel more connected to one another, according to those who support the use of school uniforms as a policy. Students are better able to put aside their individuality and concentrate on their academic work when they are required to wear the same uniform. A feeling of school pride and solidarity may also be fostered via the use of uniforms. This has the potential to lead to increased levels of students confidence. “Uniforms are a powerful tool,” said Chase Hardin, director of operations. “They make students feel included and allow them to focus on what they’re here to do: Learn.” (Bhattarai)

Also, wearing uniforms may assist in reducing the building. Children are more likely to tease and make fun of one another when there are no school uniforms. Children are no different from adults in that they use clothing to communicate their personalities. Unfortunately, when a child expresses themselves differently than others, it can lead to a point of differentiation between them. socioeconomic differences between the families of the two children can exacerbate these differences. Allowing kids to wear what they want to school can cause divisions between them rather than foster a sense of community and equality (Richardson).

Another benefit of school uniforms, when students are allowed to wear their own clothes to school, staff members must constantly check for a long list of unacceptable clothing variations. Girls are frequently subjected to stricter dress codes than boys, with everything from shoulder straps to skirt lengths being scrutinized. Furthermore, enforcing dress code regulations frequently entails summoning kids to the office so that teachers can assess whether they’ve broken the rules or not. This wastes a lot of time for everyone and fosters a climate of distrust and defiance within the school. By establishing a uniform dress code that is simple for all students to follow, school uniforms help to reduce the need for much of this policing. Children won’t have to wait around for decisions about what to wear and can focus on learning in the classroom rather than worrying about what is and isn’t appropriate().

The most prevalent argument made in opposition to school uniforms is that it denies students the freedom to express themselves. According to Lee Rowland’s article “Four Reasons Public Schools Should Think Twice Before Implementing School Uniform Policies,” institutions should permit students to express themselves through their clothing. Allowing students to choose their clothing sends a strong message that they are developing individuals who deserve the most fundamental self-determination. Instead of starting out as identical captives with no options, students do better in a more liberated learning environment where they feel valued.Giving children the freedom to express themselves not only respects their uniqueness but also opens the door to a relationship based on mutual respect.Schools should be interested in fostering rather than standardizing student expression as long as this parade of options does not disrupt the academic day (Rowland).

Economy: The price of uniforms and their financial impact on families are other glaring issues with school uniforms raised by those opposed to them. School uniforms are frequently quite expensive, and some of the schools that enforce uniform policies are found in lower-income neighborhoods. In October 1995, the Long Beach Unified School District was sued in state court by the American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California on behalf of a group of low-income families who claimed that the district’s uniform policy placed an undue financial burden on them. The district allegedly broke state law by failing to adequately inform parents of their right to withdraw their children from the program, according to the ACLU (Portner).

Lastly, Most uniforms either don’t take into account the population’s cultural dress or only represent one culture. Additionally, students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender might be uncertain about whether to wear a uniform that reflects their internal sexual orientation or their external gender. Sometimes this school uniform targets girls more than boys. As result make some girls’ student does not want to wear them. “A recent article in the New York Times highlighted a 2020 study that found most dress codes analyzed targeted female clothing choices far more than male ones. Some clothing was prohibited simply because it was seen as sexy” ( Ditch).

In the end, the choice of whether or not to require students to wear school uniforms is a difficult one. In order to make an educated choice on whether or not to require students to wear uniforms, it is necessary to take into account both the possible advantages and the potential negatives of doing so. If a school decides to use school uniforms, it may be an effective strategy to establish a cohesive school community and remove economic and social barriers between students. However, this is only true for schools that elect to implement school uniforms.