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DrFlagHerring11 Summarize Chapters 1 & 2 of your textbook and include one quote…Summarize Chapters 1 & 2 of your textbook and include one quote from each chapter (the quote must be under three sentences). Defining, transmedia has always been a debate because, “there is no single definition in which everyone can happily agree” (Philips, 2012, p. 13). Though the definition of transmedia is expressed differently throughout these first chapters. Explaining how the transmedia campaign is targeting comes down to feedback on how the audience responds to the campaign. It gives the origin of the term and where it originated from and how the way of campaigns has differentiated throughout the decades. The first notice of the term was in, 1960 in Japan, then to the recent the term was trademarked by, the University of Houston. It has made its way through phases, which is how the term could be interpreted in different forms. While chapter 2 dives into the different kinds of transmedia, “a division that some wags refer to as West Coast versus East Coast Transmedia” (Philips, 2012, p. 13). These two types of Transmedia can be used for interacting with the audience and entertaining audiences. The chapter includes examples of what other people not familiar with the term may phrase it. Those are ARG, using does not communicate with the audience. People get phrases confused because as disused in the book transmedia is the telling of a story through several channels of communication. Whereas multimedia is information gathered through computers, such as text and videos. Overall, the introduction for the book was a clear understanding of what the reader will learn by the end of reading. Those are ways to successfully use the term for their own projects, learning mistakes that the author has learned from.  Define East and West coast transmedia.East coast media, “transmedia is characterized as being significantly more interactive and web-based, incorporating components of real-time use of social media” (Philips, 2012, p. 14). Businesses could use East coast transmedia to direct consumers to their different platforms from one link. An example of this would be “link tree” a popular app used throughout social media influencers who may have multiple platforms but do not want their followers to get confused if they use different usernames on everything. If they also have merchandise, they can communicate promotions from one link to another. While on the other hand, “Hollywood transmedia, also known as West Coast transmedia or franchise transmedia, is based on big-budget, for-profit commercial storytelling” (Philips, 2012, p. 13). It is expressed more as being used in video games productions, where the character has a mission to compllete and takes more time for the user to complete rather than communicating with them through social media individually. Though students at the University of Houston are practicing this using, East coast transmedia for projects to set them up for future project that may be West coast transmedia campaigns. It is easier to tell which one is cost efficient for businesses and that would be the East coast because not as the West coast that has been known to have big companies, the east is smaller which interacts with the audience. Which gives direct feedback that the worker can use to strength their project.  Define Transmedia As discussed in the first question, there are plenty of definitions of the term, but the basic term is, “telling a story simultaneously through several channels of communication” (Philips, 2012, p. 15). Yes, such as East Coast transmedia, where it wants the audience to actively take part, by only using three platforms to target them. The reader may be interested in using transmedia in their own work, but the book advises different. It wants readers to focus on innovating ideas for future transmedia forms rather than worrying about adhering to transmedia guidelines. Transmedia majors have been linked to helping new businesses using creating campaigns using the assignment the class is doing it breaks down the campaign and definition by illustrating the process. Though the audience for the assignment is the company that the student chose. With the mission of targeting attraction to the company’s website and other social media. Transmedia will continue to change its meaning, with new social medias, businesses and different form of communication that has been increasing since 1960, as we have seen. Students will also see if the term has changes because the book was written 10 years ago and obviously newer planforms have come out and been popularized to create campaigns. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish