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Promote Inclusion Report Template     1. Make curriculum…

Promote Inclusion Report Template



1. Make curriculum development decisions.

Use your critical evaluation from task 2A and the collaborations from task 2B to make a minimum of two curriculum decisions that promote inclusion and equitable and effective participation of all children.

example: through your critical reflections and your collaborations with educators and children, you have come to realise that the obstacle course is too hard for the children to participate in. Your curriculum decision could then be to involve the children in how they want the obstacle course to be set up


2. Identify strategies that promote inclusion and support respectful interactions. For these strategies, consider individual children’s needs, culture and background.

Identify two strategies that help foster inclusion and help children manage their own pro-social skills and regulation. 

example:  through your critical reflections and your collaborations with educators and children, you have come to realise that the home corner is only focused on girls and the block corner on boys which has a negative effect on the interaction in the group. A strategy could be to bring these two areas close together and role model going from one area to another to show the children that girls and boys can play with whatever they like.


3. Identify strategies that promote inclusion and support respectful interactions with children with special needs. For these strategies, consider individual children’s needs, culture and background.

identify a minimum of two strategies that help foster inclusion and help children manage their own pro-social skills and regulation when engaging with children with special needs

Example: through your critical reflections and your collaborations with educators and children, you have come to realise that children with additional needs are often left by themselves, not so much on purpose but because the other children don’t know how to interact with children who are different to them. A strategy could be to introduce the additional need during group time, and discuss topics like ‘different’ and ‘same’ in a open and caring environment to open children’s horizons.


Develop guidelines.
Develop two guidelines to support positive and respectful interactions and behaviour in children. Use your findings from your collaboration activities with educators and children (Task 2 Part B) to think of these guidelines

example:  through your critical reflections and your collaborations with educators and children, you have come to realise that children like to come together on a regular basis to talk to each other, and that is why you want to develop the guideline of starting the day with a group get together so the children can practise their social conversation skills.


Answer the following 6 questions about the implementation of your curriculum decisions, your inclusion strategies, and your guidelines.
a). Describe two positive conversations you have had with two different families and their children about how their child is working towards Learning Outcomes. Explain when you had the conversations, what the discussion was about and what action you and the family and/or the child decided on.
b)Give three examples how you value all children in your care and support them to fully participate in your program. 
c)Give two examples how you role model being inclusive; 
     Give two examples how you use pro-active communication (e.g. sharing strategies) to encourage others to be inclusive
Your examples for this question have to relate to verbal interactions with other educators, children and/or families



d)Give one example each of a time when you promoted inclusion by: 
provoking children’s thinking (e.g. during group time discussion);
giving examples to encourage inclusivity (e.g., when you had to intervene during a fight)

Your examples for this question have to relate to verbal interactions with children


e) Describe conversations you have had with families, children, and other educators to challenge bias. Explain when you had the conversations, what the discussion was about, and what the outcome of the conversation was/ the action you and the other party decided on.

f) Give three examples of situations when you have seen a respect for diversity. In your examples describe what happened, what behaviours you saw, and how these examples demonstrate respect for diversity.

Example 1 has to be a child(ren) showing respect for diversity, 






Example 2 has to be about a family showing respect


Example 3 has to be about another educator showing respect.


Reflect upon your practices, your strategies, and your guidelines and investigate what improvements you could introduce. 

You must consider the following questions:

Which practices, strategies and guidelines worked well?
What were some of the obstacles?
How could my practices, strategies and guidelines be improved for future implementation?