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SargentSnowCapybara44  . 4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i A your B their Question 9 5 Points The…Image transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i A your B their Question 9 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word orphrase for each blank to ensure consistent person and … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes i Question 8 5 Points Select the pronoun that isconsistent in person with the antecedent. Members of the churchchoir must dry-clean own robes. your B their Question… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i A deaf workers can see it B eyesight can beused by deaf workers Question 7 5 Points The followingsentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word o… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes i Question 6 5 Points The following sentencesform a paragraph. Select the correct word or phrase for eachblank to ensure consistent person and parallelism. So… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i A ourselves B themselves Question 5 5 PointsSelect the pronoun that is consistent in person with theantecedent. Each salesperson will make presentation t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes i D mconsistent tense C faulty parallelismQuestion 4 5 Points The following sentences form a paragraph.Select the correct word or phrase for each blank to en… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:51 5 3 X Quizzes i C is succeeding Question 3 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Proofread them forinconsistent tense and faulty parallelism. Identify the t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:51 5 X Quizzes i Question 2 5 Points In each sentence, select theitem that is preventing parallelism. The story was about a youngwoman who leaves home, faces many difficulties, and t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:51 5 3 X Quizzes i Quiz # 5 18 OF 20 QUESTIONS REMAININGQuizzes Content Question 1 5 Points The following sentencesform a paragraph. Proofread them for inconsistent per… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i B he or she Question 16 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct verb foreach blank. Several stations in Stockholm, Sweden, like… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes i A seemed B seem Question 17 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct verb foreach blank. With colorful designs and all kinds of speci… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i A resemble B resembled Question 18 5Points Select the verb in parentheses that is consistent with thefirst verb in the sentence. When Mabel inherited a fort… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i A gives B gave Question 19 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct word orphrase for each blank to ensure consistent person and … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i B Inconsistent tense C faulty parallelismQuestion 15 5 Points Select the pronoun that is consistent inperson with the antecedent. If you want to get ahead i… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i B control one eye Question 20 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Proofread them forinconsistent person and faulty parallelism. Identify the… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 3 X Quizzes i C faulty parallelism Question 14 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Proofread them forinconsistent tense and faulty parallelism. Identify the t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes Question 13 5 Points The following sentencesform a paragraph. Proofread them for inconsistent tense andfaulty parallelism. Identify the type of each error in ea… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes i B carried Question 12 5 Points In eachsentence, select the item that is preventing parallelism. Halfinished his computer project satisfied, tired, and with … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes i A you B they Question 11 5 Points Thefollowing sentences form a paragraph. Select the correct verb foreach blank. Almost every major city in the world has a … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text4:52 5 X Quizzes i B your Question 10 5 Points Select the pronounthat is consistent in person with the antecedent. The athletes donot warm up as long as should. A you B they Question … Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish