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Can I get some help on revising this essay I was told that it…

Can I get some help on revising this essay I was told that it needed a good conclusion and add personal experiences. If you have any suggestion to make it good let me know! I just need a guide step by step on how to revise this piece. Thank you very much!
                                                                    Effective Leadership
The concept that I decided to write bout is Effective Leadership. Effective leadership involves more than
just hard work. It has a lot to do with learning and perfecting behavior that is focused in managing
people’s social-emotional reactions and cultivating them to build a team that is proactive, resilient,
passionate, trusting, and accountable (Avery, 2005). People are naturally drawn to and are more willing to
work with leaders who espouse a certain kind of energy that is centered on establishing and building trust
and respect. A leader is only as effective as his team, and building trust and rapport requires conscious
effort and time (Avery, 2005). People don’t simply trust words; they trust actions.

One of the key things that draw people to effective leaders is the fact that they lead by
example (Boseman, 2008). According to the National Institutes of Health, “It is found that leading by
example has positive effects on the cooperation of followers on both the group level and the individual
level. Risk attitudes have positive effects on the cooperation of followers while trust attitudes have
negative effects.” leaders who do not practice what they preach lose the trust and respect of their people.
If a leader wants his or her team to show a certain behavior, they go ahead and show them how it’s done
by displaying the behavior first. Effective leaders do not ask people to do what they themselves cannot do.
If they expect their team to work for longer hours, they lead by working late as well. They are very aware
of the fact that showing their subordinates that they are one of them and are just as responsible in ensuring
that they achieve their desired outcomes goes a long way in building relationships founded on trust and respect.

Another behavior that identifies effective leaders is they over communicate (Jui-Chen
Chen & Silverthorne, 2005). Effective leaders are direct, honest, they attach a lot of value to
transparency, hence they communicate all the time. They understand that when information is not
accurate, people tend to make assumptions. These assumptions are often negative and can slow down a
team’s productivity and motivation. Effective leaders make extra efforts to ensure that communication is
clear and effective to prevent such problems. People can always tell when you are hiding something, and
if there’s some information a leader cannot share, they share what they can and show their team that they
support them. Practicing good communication strengthens relationships between people and promotes
order within a team, and effective leaders understand this well.

Another common behavior with effective leaders is that they treat everyone fairly and they do not play
favorites (Lasthuizen, 2008). Playing favorites can quickly lead to the break down of a team. Effective
leaders ensure fairness by treating everyone equally and maintaining consistent expectations for all team
members. They involve the team in creating rules and standards, fostering a sense of collective agreement
and commitment. By setting clear expectations from the beginning, including explaining roles and
responsibilities, effective leaders get rid of any confusion and make sure that everyone knows what they
need to do. This method promotes teamwork and a productive team environment.

Finally, what effective leaders espouse the most is putting the success of their team before
their own interests (Boseman, 2008). When a team realizes that their leader prioritizes their personal
success over the team’s, it can make them lazy and reduce their dedication. However, when the team sees
that their leader prioritizes the team’s interests over their own, it inspires them to give their best. Effective
leaders understand the importance of selflessness and show it through their actions. They put the team’s
success first and make decisions that will benefit the team rather than only focusing on personal gain.
This creates a sense of trust, loyalty, and unity within the team, leading to increased motivation and a
stronger drive to achieve team success.