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Critique of lines 7-14: How well do they support the controlling…

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QUESTION 1 Question 1 through Question 4 can be answered by
the following passage. Protecting Astronauts SPACE SCIENCE:
This passage examines the challenges of keeping astro…
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Question 5 through Question 9 can be answered by the following
passage. from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor
Coleridge NARRATIVE POEM: This excerpt is from &q…
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Based on context clues in the poem, which of the following
conclusions accurately identifies the meaning of the archaic word
eftsoons in line 12? O A. The Mariner holds the Weddi…
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Critique of lines 7-14: How well do they support the controlling idea of the selection?



They effectively support the controlling idea by offering commentary on the current state of medical science.



They effectively support the controlling idea by summarizing the adverse effects of space travel on human health.



They do not effectively support the controlling idea, because they do not help readers understand the reasons why space travel is necessary.



They do not effectively support the controlling idea, because they do not connect negative health effects to the author’s point about medical research.


Which answer best explains whether the author’s conclusion successfully reinforces the main ideas presented in the article?



The conclusion is successful because it restates the health problems that scientists are trying to solve through their research.



The conclusion is not successful, because it does not summarize the benefits that scientific research has had for astronauts’ health.



The conclusion is successful because it reinforces the idea that medical research is needed by showing its importance for new missions.



The conclusion is not successful, because it introduces new ideas about space travel that are unrelated to the main ideas of the article.


Based on context clues in the poem, which of the following conclusions accurately identifies the meaning of the archaic word eftsoons in line 12?


The Mariner holds the Wedding-Guest with “his skinny hand,” so eftsoons means “slender.”



The Mariner is discouraged that the Wedding-Guest says “Hold off!” and does not want to hear about the ship, so eftsoons means “defiantly.”



The Wedding-Guest tells the Mariner to “unhand me,” and a moment later the Mariner drops his hand, so eftsoons means “soon after.”



The Wedding-Guest calls the Mariner a “grey-beard loon,” and the Mariner then holds him with his gaze instead of his hand, so eftsoons means “crazy.”


Which choice best describes the sound device used in the fifteenth stanza (lines 59-62) and its effect in the poem?


Sound Device: alliteration
Effect: The repeating initial letters of stressed words generate a passive mood that highlights the mariner’s despair.



Sound Device: irregular meter
Effect: The changing patterns of strong and weak beats generate  a staggering and unbalanced feeling.



Sound Device: consonance
Effect: The pleasing combinations of sounds generate  a gentle and soothing effect.



Sound Device: rhyme
Effect: The repeating end sounds of words generate  a hypnotic, sing-song quality.


Which statement best explains the effect of the poet’s use of dramatic structure in lines 79-82?



The frame story clarifies the mariner’s narrative by having the Wedding-Guest explain why the mariner shot the albatross.



The archetypal plot pattern suggests that the mariner will not stop telling his story until the Wedding-Guest forgives him.



The frame story intensifies the mariner’s narrative by showing reactions to the narrative from the Wedding-Guest’s point of view.



The archetypal plot pattern suggests that the mariner will soon be revealed as the Wedding-Guest’s long-lost father.


Which choice provides the most accurate evaluation of how the poet’s diction contributes to tone in lines 127-130?



Diction: formal, ornate language
Evaluation: The diction creates a fanciful tone that effectively echoes the stately, dance-like swaying of the sea.



Diction: descriptive, sensory language
Evaluation: The diction creates an eerie tone that effectively projects a sense of wickedness onto the movement and color of the sea.



Diction: simple, traditional language
Evaluation: The diction creates a casual tone that is ineffective in conveying the urgent danger presented by the drought.



Diction: informal, ironic language
Evaluation: The diction creates a harsh tone that is ineffective in conveying the sailors’ true feelings about the sea.


Which conclusion about the nuanced meaning of the word plagued in line 132 is best supported by context clues in the poem?



Plagued implies that someone was being routinely inconvenienced



Plagued implies that someone was being occasionally threatened.



Plagued implies that someone was being constantly tormented.



Plagued implies that someone was being frequently annoyed.