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The Research Portfolio (DUE IN WEEK 12) asks you to formulate a…

The Research Portfolio (DUE IN WEEK 12) asks you to formulate a research question on the topic you have chosen, and to find three sources from GBC LLC that reflect that research question and topic. Remember that library databases respond best to specific, precise, and unique keyword combinations, so conduct your search thoroughly to get the most useful results. 


Then, you must write an annotated bibliography for those three sources: One of the sources used for this assignment mustbe from an academic journal. The other two must be credible sources, as per the presentation during the Library Session in Week 10. 


The learning material from Week 10 and 11 describes all you need to know on how to formulate a research question and an annotated bibliography. Each entry of the annotated bibliography should be around 150 words. 


NOTE: This assignment offers you practical methods for keeping track of research sources. Do not be tempted to take the shortcut of plagiarizing the abstract of any source, as that action will lead to an automatic grade of 0 for the entire Research Portfolio


Topics for Major Assignment 2


I. As mentioned above, you may keep your general topic from Major Assignment 1, but you are encouraged to research a specific angle that captures your interest within the larger topic. 


II. If you decide to develop a new essay and work on a new topic, here are some topics for you to consider for Major Assignment 2: 


Food Inequity, Food Sovereignty

In the article “Meet some of Toronto’s food justice advocates championing Black food sovereignty,” Anan Lololi defines food sovereignty “as the right of people to healthy and culturally appropriate food” (as cit. in Jabakhanji, 2021, para. 3). After reading this article, write an essay in which you defend your position on how to resolve food inequity that Black communities experience in Toronto.


Social Policing of Body Types

The article What Does It Mean to Have a Healthy Body? by Mojola Omole pits the lived experience of people with obesity against the medical establishment that views them as a symbol for a variety of health problems. Using this article as a starting point for your discussion, defend your position on the debate on socially-accepted body shapes. In order to focus your argument, think of questions such as: Why do we as a society only accept one type of body shape as healthy and desirable? How does the medical community influence this societal bias? What are the consequences of this bias on the majority of people who do not conform to the medically recommended BMI range?



“It’s a monumental task to get white people to realize that they are delivering microaggressions, because it’s scary to them,” says one of the scientists quoted in the article “Unmasking ‘racial micro aggressions,'” written by Tori DeAngelis. Microaggression refers to subtle, indirect, and/or unintentional discrimination against members of culturally marginalized groups. Starting from this article, write an essay in which you defend your position and highlight your learning on the topic of microaggressions. Explain how microaggressions operate in different contexts, e.g., media, school, workplace, stores, transit, etc., and analyze the message they send and the impact on people in our community.


Food & Cultural Appropriation

The article “Caribbean Food Seems to be the Latest Cultural Commodity Available for Plunder” discusses the issue of cultural appropriation in the food industry. Using this article as a jumping-off point, write a persuasive essay discussing your own understanding of and opinion of cultural appropriation when it comes to food. Consider, for example, where the line between cultural appropriation and fusion cuisine might be. Make sure to define the concepts you discuss, so your reader can share your understanding of them.


Misinformation and fake news

The article “How a debunked COVID-19 video kept spreading after Facebook and YouTube took it down” by Andrea Bellemare, Katie Nicholson, and Jason Ho, shows how difficult it is to suppress misinformation and fake news in the age of internet and social media. Using this article as a jumping-off point, write a persuasive essay discussing how we can discern between reliable information and misinformation in this age and make sure we form our opinions based on truth and facts.