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MULTIPLE CHOICE- 2 points each 1. The Water soluble vitamins are:…

MULTIPLE CHOICE- 2 points each

1. The Water soluble vitamins are:



2. The Fat soluble vitamins are:


3. Which B-Vitamin can be made from the essential amino acid, tryptophan?: 
A. Thiamin
B. Riboflavin
C. Niacin
D. Folic Acid

4. Which B-vitamin is most necessary for efficient amino acid metabolism?:

A. Riboflavin

B. Vitamin B-12

C. Vitamin B-6


5. Which three B-vitamins are necessary for inhibiting the production of homocysteine:





6. Which vitamin is required for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus:

A. Folic acid

B. Vitamin C

C. Vitamin D

D. Niacin


7. Which vitamin is highly necessary for proper cell, formation, division and development to occur?:

A. Niacin

B. Vitamin K

C. Folic acid

D. Thiamin

E. None of the above



8. Which vitamin is involved in collagen formation in the body :

A. Lysine

B. Vitamin E

C. Vitamin C

D. Calcium

E. None of the above


9. Which three vitamins are known as our antioxidant vitamins :





10. Which mineral is the most abundant in the body:




11. Which vitamin is necessary for the production of prothrombin, thus it is involved in blood clotting:

A. Vitamin D

B. Vitamin E

C. Vitamin K

D. All of the above


12. Which vitamin helps with the absorption of Iron:

A. Vitamin A

B. Vitamin C

C. Folic acid

D. Vitamin K

E. A, B, and C are correct


13. Which major mineral is found in higher concentrations inside the cell?:

A. Sodium

B. Phosphorus

C. Potassium

D. Sulfur

E. Both A and B are correct


14. Which trace mineral works synergistically with Vitamin E and is an essential component in some endogenous antioxidant systems? :

A. Sulfur

B. Cobalt

C. Selenium



15. Which mineral is necessary for prostate health and a deficiency often results in impaired taste and smell and poor wound healing:

A. Selenium

B. Sulfur

C. Zinc

D. Chromium


16. The body recycles this mineral thus it can potentially build up in the body and cause damage, specifically in women who are no longer menstruating and men who are not prone to anemia:

A. Zinc

B. Iron

C. Sodium

D. Phosphorus


MATCHING: Match the vitamin with its deficiency disease. (2 points each) -Answers are only used once each.

_____ 17. Thiamin             A. Pernicious anemia

_____ 18. Vitamin C         B. Beriberi

_____ 19. Vitamin B-12     C. Xeropthalmia

_____ 20. Vitamin A          D. Scurvy

_____ 21. Niacin                 E. Pellagra


MATCHING: Match the mineral with one of its major functions. (2 points each) -Answers are only used once each.

_____ 22. Iron                   A. Involved in muscle relaxation,works with Calcium(contracts)

_____ 23. Chromium        B. Stimulates and enhances the function of insulin

_____ 24. Magnesium       C. Builds Hemoglobin

_____ 25. Phosphorus       D. Needed for the production of the thyroid hormones

_____ 26. Iodine                E. A key component in cell membranes


27. Describe some key differences between water soluble and fat soluble vitamins: (4 points)



28. List four functions of water. (4 points)


29. List three factors that influence mineral absorption: (2 points)

points each).






30. List three things that decrease the absorption of calcium.

2 points each.






TRUE and FALSE (2 points each)


31. ____True _____False -The major minerals are more important than the trace


32. ____True   _____False    -Magnesium is involved in many reactions in the body and

also assists with energy metabolism.

33. ____True   _____False    The bacteria in the GI tract can produce biotin, folic acid

and Vitamin K-.

34. ____True   _____False   -Flouride, Copper, Manganese and Boron are all examples

of major minerals.


35. ____True _____False Water makes up about 80% of an adults body weight.

36. ____True _____False Electrolytes are mineral salts that dissolve in water and

carry electrical charges. They help maintain proper fluid

balance in the body among other things.


37. ____True _____False Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride can be

easily depleted by: Vomiting, diarrhea and sweating.


38. Water leaves the body through four major routes. Please list them. (4 points)



39. What is the role of vitamin supplementation and what does one to need to be careful of. (5 points).



40. Why is nutrient intake (vitamins and minerals) most ideal through food: (5 points)


41. Vitamin B-12 is linked to the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory and learning. Describe why the elderly may be deficient in this vitamin. (2 points total)


List the vitamin that is a component of the following coenzymes. (1 point each)

TPP- _________________________________________




Acetyl CoA-____________________________________