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ChefMonkeyMaster3882 I. Identify the semantic relation that exists between either the…
I. Identify the semantic relation that exists between either the words or sentences (paraphrases, homophones, contradiction, entailment, antonyms, synonyms, polysemous, homonyms (60pts.)

1. parent

2. Fred’s is a widower
Fred’s wife is alive _____________________

3. hungry
famished _______________________

4. bug (insect)
bug (microphone) ________________________

5. Pedro killed the burglar.
The burglar is dead. _________________________

6. Susan sang a solo at the wedding.
The solo at the wedding was sung by Susan _________________________

7. steak (a piece of meat)
stake (a sharp piece of wood) ___________________________

8. The shark bit the swimmer.
The swimmer is injured. ____________________________

LIN 3013 Summer B 2021

9. Susan prepared salmon for dinner.
There is nothing to eat for dinner. ____________________________

10. George gave Antoinette an engagement ring.
George gave an engagement ring to Antoinette. _______________________

11. diamond (baseball field)
diamond (jewel) _____________________________

12. bear (animal)
bare (tolerate)????____________________________

13. pen (a writing instrument)
pen (an enclosure)????______________________________

14. bright (shining)
bright (intelligent)????_______________________________

15. Jose is rich.?????
Jose can’t afford ground beef.??________________________________

LIN 3013 Summer B 2021

II. A sentence is ambiguous when it has more than one meaning. There are two main types of ambiguity: Lexical or Semantic Ambiguity (one word in the sentence having more than one meaning) and Structural or Syntactic Ambiguity (This type of ambiguity results from a phrase in the sentence having more than one possible structure. Each possible structure is associated with a different meaning.)

The following sentences may be lexically or structurally ambiguous, or both. Identify the ambiguity in the following sentences and provide paraphrases showing that you comprehend all the meanings (40pts).

16. The wall was painted with red flowers and leaves.

17. Freddie ate the cake that was in the kitchen.

18. I saw Paul walking by the bank.

19. I want to look at the pictures in the basement.

20. I cannot recommend visiting professors too highly.

LIN 3013 Summer B 2021

21. Cool beer and wine are what we want to take to the beach.

22. I met the man standing by the water cooler.

23. The man was knocked over by the punch.

24. The instructor left her key in the office.

25. The glasses are on the table
Arts & HumanitiesEnglish