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Question 1 Which of the following examples is not a form of…

Question 1 Which of the following examples is not a form of plagiarism:

 (A Submitting the same essay in more than one class 

B Crediting an author’s work in your paper using in-text citations 

(C) Allowing a friend to copy your work

 D) ) Copying and pasting information found online without crediting the source


Question 2 If 1 include information in my paper that most people know about, such as Paris is the capital of France, I don’t need to cite it. (A) True (B) False 


Question 3 pose the correct citation if citing an infographic posted on Instagram. 

A. Pew Research [@pewresearch], (2020, April 20). 25 years after the U.N.S Beijing declaration and platform for action pledged to take the necessary steps to remove all infographic. Instagram. 

B. Pew Research [@pewresearch]. (2020, April 20). 25 years after the U.N.’s Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action B pledged to take the necessary steps to remove all obstacles to gender equality and the advancement and empowerment of women, support for gender equality is strong around the globe. Across 34 countries we surveyed, a median of 94% think it is important for women in their country to have the same rights as men, with 74% saying this is very important [Infographic]. Instagram. nOCHOHZLe/


Question 4 When using a quote from a True False son you interviewed, include an in-text citation and References list citation.

A) True 

B) false 


Question 5 If you write the author’s name in a narrative in-text citation before paraphrasing their work, you don’t have to include the author’s name again in the in-text citation. See the paraphrasing example on the APA guide.

 (A True 

? False


Question 6 If your source has no date or if the date is difficult to determine, what should you write in your citation instead?


Question 7 Put these citations in the correct order they would appear in your References list. For more about formatting References lists, see the APA Checklist on the home page of the APA guide. 





A) Feedback Submitted Answers Schanbacher, W. D. (2019), Food as a human right: Combatting global hunger and forging a path to food sovereignty. Praeger.

B) Your instru Diabetes Canada. (n.d.). Preventing diabetes. prevention/preventing-diabetes

C)Lane, J. D., & Williams R. B. (1987). Cardiovascular effects of caffeine and stress in regular coffee drinkers. Psychophysiology, 24(2), 157-164.

Question 8 Match the following citations elements to the type of information it represents when citing a journal article from a library base-date


From envy to social anxiety and rumination: How social media site addiction triggers task distraction amongst nurse .

Majld, A.. Yasir, M.. Javed, A… & AlL, P. 


Journal of Nursing Management 


A. Title and subtitle of article

B. Date of publication

C. Authors’ names

D. Page numbers of articles 

E. Title of journal 

F. DOI ( digital object identification) 

G) volume and issue of journal 


Question 9 If your source has no author, use Anonymous where you would normally place the author’s name in the citation. 

A) True 

(B) False  

Question 10 If your source doesn’t have a title, you can include a description of the source in square brackets when creating the References list citation 

(A) True 

B) False


Question 11 Citing a source refers to looking at it carefully to make sure you understand it. 

A )True 

B) False

Question 12 Even if you change the words from someone else’s work, you still have to give the author credit. 

(A) True 

B) False 


Question 13 . If you don’t remember the exact page where you found a quote you can leave out the in text citation as long as you have the general source in the References list 



Question 14 . Quoting material word-for-word from a source is a direct quote. A standard direct quote (i.e.. fewer than 40 words, not a block quotation) must be enclosed in quotation marks and include an in-text citation. For example. “Physical activity has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity” (Xiang, 2018, p. 4).


(B) False 

Question 15 You only need to give credit to an author’s work if: 

A It is common knowledge B The author is famous 

(C) You use an author’s ideas in your research paper

 (D) The source has page numbers