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Having selected a scenario from the options provided in the…

Having selected a scenario from the options provided in the assignment instructions, write brief personal notes for the following questions about your TED Talk/Speech for Change (Transfer Assignment 2) and how you intend to apply the core concepts in writing its script. Please be as SPECIFIC as possible with your answers.

Who is your audience?
What is their background?
What is their level of understanding and engagement in the subject?
What are their concerns and/or challenges?
What are their aspirations for the future?
What are the factors, trends, and interests that influence them now?
What, in particular, must you do with your language and tone to persuade this audience?
What, in particular, must you do with the presentation of main points and details to persuade your audience?
What persuasive techniques will you use, and in what balance? How, for example, will you appeal emotionally to your audience? How will you establish your credibility? not too much explaination thank you

Good morning to everyone. It’s an honour to be here today, in front of my former high school, a place that carries fond memories and developed me into the person I am today. I’m especially grateful to my former teacher, Anthony Matthew for allowing me to address all of you on a subject that is very personal to me: systematic racism in North America.

I have been thoroughly absorbed in learning how words, stories, and the media can influence how we perceive the world as a communications student. And it’s because of this lens that I’ve been able to acknowledge how subtle and ubiquitous systematic racism is in our society.

Systemic racism is alive, breathing issue that still has a significant impact on our society. It is not a thing of the past. People of colour have unequal opportunities and outcomes because it is ingrained in our institutions, policies, and practices.


Look no farther than the educational system, where students of colour,  Black and Brown students, are disproportionately suspended, placed in classrooms below their ability level, and refused access to high-quality resources. Alternatively, take a look at the criminal justice system, where individuals of colour are disproportionately charged, jailed, and imprisoned for the same crimes as their white counterparts.


I recall a conversation I had with a friend, a young Black man, who described his experiences of being continually followed by security officers in stores. He spoke of the humiliation and fear he felt merely for being Black in a society that frequently assumes guilt rather than innocence.



Stories like my friend’s are unfortunately not uncommon, and they serve as a clear reminder of how urgently change is required. It is our personal duty as people to question the present quo and act as change agents in the advancement of racial equality.

 Each of you here today has the ability to make a difference. You have the voices, ideas, and passion to challenge stereotypes, deconstruct biases, and advocate for a more just and equitable society.

I believe in the power of young people to be change agents. Remember, Rosa Parks was a young lady when she refused to give up her bus seat, igniting a movement that changed America.

I’d like to share an image with you that has been with me since I first saw it. It’s a photo of a young Black girls, her face shining with pride as she marches with her parents in a civil rights march.


The picture captures the spirit of endurance, hope, and persistence that has propelled the fight for racial equality throughout history. It serves as a reminder that change is possible, and that everyone of us has a role to play in bringing about that change.

As you leave today, I urge you to remember that systematic racism exists, but it does not have to define our future. We have the ability to create a more just and equitable society in which everyone has a chance to prosper.

So, get out there, challenge the current quo, and be the change you want to see in the world. Your opinions are important, as are your actions, and your future is important.


Thank you.

thats my Ted talk. not too much information