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Review the article “The Impact of Tourism”
Write   a problem-based paragraph based on the article
Your paragraph should include:
A topic sentence with a citation and the main problem
supporting sentences with only key details of the causes, effects and any solutions presented in the article.
A concluding sentence with your opinion of any solutions presented and your own solutions to the main problem.


Growth of tourism Tourists are people who travel away from their homes for pleasure. Tourism is one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and it generates a lot of jobs. The money spent by tourists adds to the wealth of countries (economic growth). For many years Europe and the USA had the most tourism, but in recent years there has been a lot of tourism development in Asia and the Middle East. In 2013, a total of 1.087 billion people travelled to another country as tourists. This has increased from just 25 million in 1950. According to the World Tourism Organization, the top four international destinations in 2010 were: Rank Country Visitors 1 France 78.95 million 2 United States 60.88 million 3 China 55.98 million 4 Spain 53 million Why has tourism increased?

 • People have greater disposable income. This is money left over once they have paid for essentials.

 • People have more paid holidays. In the UK, the number of weeks we have off work has increased from about two weeks in the 1950s to four to six weeks now.Travel has become easier and cheaper. More people have cars, and our roads and motorways are better quality, making it easier to travel further in less time. Also, flights are cheaper, and the internet makes it easy to plan and book a holiday. 

• People are visiting a wider range of places – partly because they have a better knowledge and understanding of places. As well as learning about different places at school, we watch television programs and browse the internet. This awareness increases people’s expectations.

 • There is a greater variety of holidays to choose from. All-inclusive package holidays have become very popular. • People have more leisure time. 

• Many countries have invested money in facilities and infrastructure that make it easier for tourists, such as roads, airports and hotels.

 •Ageing populations – people are able to travel in the free time that they have when they retire.

 Positive and negative impacts of tourism 

Tourism can provide jobs and improve the wealth of an area. Many developing countries are keen to develop tourism in order to become richer and to improve the quality of life for their people. However, when large numbers of visitors go to one place it is called mass tourism. This can have both positive and negative impacts on the area. 



 Jobs created 

 More money for the country 

Local traditions and customs are kept alive because tourists enjoy traditional shows, e.g., Flamenco dancing 

Money from tourists can be used to protect the natural landscape

New facilities for the tourists also benefit locals, e.g., new roads

Greater demand for local food and crafts



Jobs are often seasonal (based on the time of year) and are poorly paid

Most money goes out of the area to big companies, not locals 

Culture and traditions change as outsiders arrive

Damage to the natural environment, e.g., footpath erosion (the wearing away of footpaths), litter, habitats destroyed to build hotels

Overcrowding and traffic jams

Prices increase in local shops as tourists are often wealthier than the local population


Tourism can create lots of different types of jobs. Most of these are tertiary jobs. This is because they involve providing a service to other people. Some countries rely heavily on tourism and this can be a problem if tourists stop coming. Sometimes tourist numbers fall due to natural disasters, such as floods or because of war or unrest. For example, some countries suffered from a fall in tourism after the 2004 Asian Tsunami, and tourists were encouraged to leave Tunisia and Egypt during protests and unrest in 2011.