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Option 1: Chick Flicks Identify and discuss a movie that you have…

Option 1: Chick Flicks

Identify and discuss a movie that you have seen and that you would classify as a “chick flick.” Summarize the plot and characters.

Explain why you would classify this movie as a “chick flick.” Overall, do you think the film you selected is a positive or negative contribution to women’s representation in film. Do you think the movie contributes to empowering women in any way (rather than simply stereotyping women and women’s interests)?

Alternatively, you can identify any recent “feminist movies” (released in 2022 or 2023) that you have seen and/or read about (see the examples given in this week’s Module).

Tell us about the movie (or movies). Why do think your selection is a “feminist film?” What specific qualities does it have that makes it fall into that category, from your perspective? 

Option 2: Headless in Hollywood.

For this option, you will add to our discussion of sex and sexism in movie posters (see the Module section on “Posters & Patriarchy”). To frame your discussion, do two things:

First, find at least one additional example of the “headless woman” phenomenon described in that section. The poster can feature a woman who has no head (as in the examples in this week’s Module) or you can find a poster that simply focuses on a woman’s body (even if her head is included). Do not use any of the four examples already used in the Module. Tell us what you think of the poster (or posters) you found.
Second, find at least one movie poster that features a man’s body (the man does not have to be faceless or headless on the poster or posters you select). You can find more than one, if you like. How does it compare to the image in your “headless women” example(s)? Is the man’s body (or men’s bodies) displayed in the same way? If not, how does it differ? Do you think that men’s bodies are also objectified in the way that women have been in movie posters?

Remember to insert your poster images directly into your Discussion Board. Do not attach them as files. You must include at least two images but can include more if you like. 

Option 3: The Bechdel Test.

Apply the Bechdel Test to a current movie or TV show that you have watched.

Does the movie or TV show pass the test? Give specific examples from the movie to back up your conclusion.

Do you feel the movie or TV show did a good or poor job in representing women on screen? Explain. 

Share your thoughts about, or insights into, the Bechdel Test (or similar tests).

Option 5: The Barbie Effect.

So, what do you think about the controversy surrounding Barbie and her impact on children?

Do you think this doll/character has had a positive or negative impact on children? Perhaps both? What, if any, have been your own experiences with this doll (e.g., growing up as a child, or as an adult parent or childcare provider)?

Be sure to reference material from this week’s Module. You can also look for outside sources for additional information (commentary, research, news items, etc.). 

Option 6: The Male Gaze.

Discuss a character or scene from a movie, TV show, video game. or advertisement that you think exemplifies “The Male Gaze.” You can give more than one example if you like.

Explain why the image and/or scene you chose is an example of the male gaze, and also offer your opinion about this concept.

Do not use any examples already used in this week’s Module. 

Option 7: Examples of a Male Stereotype.

Pick one of the five male stereotypes discussed in this week’s Module. Then identify and discuss an example of that stereotype from a movie or TV show that was not mentioned in this week’s Module (including videos).

Give us basic information about the movie or TV show (title, date), and then describe the character (or characters) and explain why you think they fit the stereotype you selected.

Use specific examples (e.g., a particular storyline, character dialogue, etc.).

Option 8: Nonbinary Representation.