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HighnessFog16220 Can you proofread and add citations?   The Banning of books is…Can you proofread and add citations? The Banning of books is something that has been going on for a long time. Parents, communities and religious groups attempted to ban books and other materials based on the content. Some parents claim that the content could be rather harmful to their children, so therefore they want to prevent them from reading books with such content. Such content can be beneficial to many children when it comes to helping them to learn more and to have an open mind to certain ideas. It is believed that children of a certain age should have a choice as to what they want to read and what they do not want to read. Parents should be the only ones to tell their kids what they should read and what they should not read (Lusted, 2017).      The banning of books has become a major issue over the years. Many genres have been banned, so therefore children have not been able to view them. It was rather surprising to see some of the books that have been banned, such as Charlotte’s Web, due to themes of death and talking animals. This book meant a lot to many who are now young adults, so it is rather unusual why it would be banned after having such a positive impact on many in the past. When looking at some of the most recent challenging books, you can see books that entail LGBTQ themes (Friedman). There are many who do not want children exposed to this, which is the reason they are challenging them.  Upon reading the book, A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo (Twiss, Jill) it was clearly challenged by those who do not support LGBTQ. It is rather unfortunate that banning this book would just be one less source for the LGBTQ youth to go to.     Even though these cases brought no sense of harm to those that are challenging these books, it can be considered a violation of First Amendment Rights to absolutely deny the rights that another human should have ( It can be a violation to both the person reading the book, as well as the author who wrote it when it comes to freedom of speech and expression. For example, when looking at Germany “who burned numerous amounts of books in March 1933″, the banning” of books is taking away the rights of a person who might want to enjoy the book.     There have been instances where taking away books from children was a good thing and protected them. If a book contains sexual and explicit content, many will consider it inappropriate for children to read. According to Article 33 of the CRC, Drug abuse is also another content in which children should be protected from. With children being able to express themselves through books that they enjoy reading, is a way for them to develop and broaden their creativity. So, therefore banning books with this form of content, could completely shelter a child from the reality of the real world. This would be a downside of them being able to function when it is time for them to go out into the world and come to learn the value of life’s lessons.     There are many different sides that are clear when it comes to the disagreement of banning books in school and in libraries. Banning certain books is popular in religious communities and among parents that are often worried. In some cases, exposure to such content can enhance a child’s development, as well as introduce them to new concepts, so that they would be able to formulate an opinion on their own. “It is believed that” deleting some extreme content can be good and important when it comes to protecting children, but the standpoint that many adults have taken against the challenging of books, was taken overboard and is much severe and in a lot of cases. It surely restricts another person’s right to their freedom of speech.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish