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Please use personal specific examples from your life, not…

Please use personal specific examples from your life, not generalizations about your behavior. 

DQ 1 (Ch. 2, 4). The cycle of low self esteem and high self esteem (find in text) is so VERY important. “If you put a small value on yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price. “- Anonymous Remember self loving actions are like gas to your car, they need refilling. What self loving actions can you take? Also, what do you do already? Another way to think about this is “What actions can (or do)  you do to maintain/increase your self esteem?” Please answer both questions including examples from your life. If you want, you can incorporate examples from your “mediated” (Insta, SnapChat, Facebook, etc) life because they do impact your self esteem, often in a negative way. 

DQ 2 (Ch 4) Ultimately, we are responsible for our own behaviors. BUT, we may have to examine our tendencies toward various behaviors, and that is why we are looking at self and other imposed prophecies (beliefs/behaviors that came from others communicated expectation of us and our own expectations of self). They are incredibly powerful and often unconsciously affect our behavior. 

Please give a detailed personal example of each (self and other imposed) of these in your life (2 examples). Self imposed prophecies are when your repeated thoughts influence your behavior. If you believe you are bad at math, you are more likely to get a poor grade in math (because of your belief, you probably avoid studying or feel blank when it comes time to study ).

There is a good example of other imposed self fulfilling prophecies   called Pygmalion in the Classroom.  Definitely watch  this 5 minute video.   It explains this concept better than I can in this post. (I have been trying to communicate this clearly all afternoon.) 

Also, communicated (thru verbal, nonverbal, media etc.) stereotypes can become other imposed prophecies (or beliefs). When many people (Person X) communicate that they expect a person (Person X) to act in a certain way based on assumptions (about a group of people), it can (but not always) change the way the Person X  behaves. Like if a cop (Person Y) sees a black individual walking down the street and assumes he is up to no good. He pulls the black guy over, looking for something and Person X gets defensive or nervous and does something unexpected. Then the situation disintegrates from there. (This is my example, that highlights a part of systemic racism, its NOT about who is right or wrong, it IS about understanding what is going in inside people’s heads during an emotionally charged encounter.)

Other imposed prophesies are not always racially motivated, it can be your parents telling you you will never amount to anything and you, over the years, not really trying at anything cuz you believe you will never amount to anything. 

And remember these MAY affect your behavior. It’s not a 100% certainty thing. So there is a lot of values in identifying your own internal prophecies, (try to not use my examples.., ) so you can ask yourself if they are really true or not. And if not, then you can do the hard cognitive work to change your beliefs. (Thoughts lead feelings, Chapter 9)

Remember that it is equally important to listen and validate each others experiences.  

DQ 3 (Ch. 9) Thoughts cause feelings. One of the most important lessons in this text book. We all have debilitative and facilitative feelings. The healthy person’s goal is to increase facilitative feelings while realizing you will probably never eliminate debilitative ones.  Please give an example of a fallacy (these lead to debilitative emotions) you recognize in yourself as well as a time you maximized facilitative emotions. This is all about using your head to master your heart..,




please help me answer this