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Business, Fear Resolution Outline Discussion #1 Required     This…

Business, Fear Resolution Outline Discussion #1 Required



This is a required assignment.  This is your first discussion assignment for creating an outline that will lead to an essay, which will be organized the same way as the outline constructed here in this Discussion Board.  The directions are given below.  Please read the directions carefully.  Many questions can be answered by reading the directions carefully.  The following is your assignment.  See and follow two parts:  1. the discussion and 2. responses to two other people. 


Business, Fear, Resolution Outline and  Discussion        

Notice you have three subtopics: unusual business, fear and resolution.  You also have three readings.  Under the first subtopic, business, post a quotation from the first reading and explain how the quotation relates to the subtopic of business.  For example, under “The Last Stop” you see Quotation and Explanation of Quotation, so post a quotation from the first reading and explain how the quotation relates to the fact that the first reading deals with an unusual business.  Now, under the same subtopic of unusual business, post quotations and explanations of quotations for the other two readings. 

Post using this format under the other three subtopics.  You will have nine quotations and nine explanations total.  The quotations should be short.  In the essay, which will be based on this outline, you will be using the following quotations and explanations in the body paragraphs. See the following outline which I have demonstrated for you. What I demonstrated under “A” you will also follow for the B and C paragraphs.

     A Business (the three readings deal with unusual businesses)

           “The Last Stop” p. 59, Brian Cable   

                    Quotation showing how the article describes a business  

                    Explanation of Quotation–how the quotation makes a point regarding death and touching a dead body is a business           

            “A Gringo in the Lettuce Fields” p. 76, Gabriel Thompson

                      Quotation showing how the article describes a business  

                    Explanation of Quotation–how the quotation makes a point regarding death and touching a dead body is a business 

            “The Long Good-Bye: Mother’s Day in Federal Prison” p. 71, Amanda Coyne

                        Quotation showing how the article describes a business  

                         Explanation of Quotation–how the quotation makes a point regarding death and touching a dead body is a business 


     B Fear (the author is afraid of having to deal with the unusual business)-

complete as demonstrated in A.

      “The Last Stop” p. 59, Brian Cable           

            “A Gringo in the Lettuce Fields” p. 76, Gabriel Thompson

            “The Long Good-Bye: Mother’s Day in Federal Prison” p. 71, Amanda Coyne


     C Resolution (each of the authors resolves or does not resolve his or her fear of the unusual business) –complete as demonstrated in A. 

           “The Last Stop” p. 59, Brian Cable           

            “A Gringo in the Lettuce Fields” p. 76, Gabriel Thompson

            “The Long Good-Bye: Mother’s Day in Federal Prison” p. 71, Amanda Coyne

You have completed the outline for the body paragraphs.


2. Another required task for the Discussion assignment is: In the Discussion tab, respond to two other students’ posts, indicating the appropriateness and relevance of the quotations to the subtopic.  Note the due date.

3.  Note also that this is a required graded assignment.  If you have questions submit them in Canvas.  If you have questions probably others have questions also.