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                        Discussion: The Rhetorical…


             Discussion: The Rhetorical Situation—Position Arguments & Proposals



Note: Please read carefully and follow the instructions of the assignment and read the evaluation criteria at the bottom of the assignment and remember references (where applicable)




Before You Post.


Before you start this discussion, make sure you’ve read Persuasion Effect Project Guidelines and completed this week’s Reading and Viewing: What Does It Mean to Write Persuasively?,  and the reading on Thesis Statements, both of which provide important background information on the Persuasion Effect Project and two of the possible genres you may write in for this project: position arguments and proposals. The goal of this discussion is to provide a space for thinking and talking with others about the strategies writers use when they’re writing persuasively and to discern the sometimes subtle distinctions between two persuasive genres. You will compare and contrast two recent professional essays dealing with our relationships with technology.


Carefully READ this short persuasive essay, “Ditch the GPS. It’s Ruining Your Brain. Links to an external site.” If you come up against The Washington Post paywall, here is a PDF version: Ditch the GPS. It’s ruining your brain. – The Washington Post.pdfDownload Ditch the GPS. It’s ruining your brain. – The Washington Post.pdf

Next, READ this persuasive essay from the Guardian, which has no paywall: “The Case for Making Low-Tech ‘Dumb’ Cities Instead of Smart OnesLinks to an external site..”


Now, compare and contrast the two essays in your post. CONSIDER and respond to these questions and big ideas as you explore them. 

What are the thesis statements of these essays? Where do they appear?
We have said that writing is a form of action. Through writing, people respond to problems and can create change in the world. How do the two pieces allow their authors to respond to problems, and potentially create change in the world?
Which essay is more of a position argument and which is more of a proposal? Why? (Hint, go back to the videos on these 2 genres in Reading and Viewing: What Does It Mean to Write Persuasively? to help you make your case.)
What appeals–emotional, logical, research, action-driven–do the authors include in these pieces? How do they help persuade the reader to consider their positions and solutions? What appeals do you find most effective?
Where and how do the authors use research and sources in their essays? Could the essay be strengthened with more use of outside sources? Or fewer?

Bear in mind that persuasive writers are especially interested in writing as a form of action, so these big ideas are key. Writers, who seek to persuade are thinking not, or at least not only, “How can I have my say?” but rather, or additionally, “How can these ideas get heard?” and “What will help my reader actually listen?” So think about how the writers use writing to be heard, and move readers to listen, but also think about how they craft their arguments so that people might consider changing what they DO and how they THINK about technology.


Now Post.


 publish a  post of at least 200 words in which you discuss the ideas and questions above (you don’t need to address each question—but use those questions to frame your post).




                                                          Evaluation criteria


In this discussion, I will be looking for

a clear, focused point that directly addresses the prompt
detailed support
semi formal writing
references (where applicable)
respectful tone
the posts are to be made on time





Note: Please read carefully and follow the instructions of the assignment and read the evaluation criteria at the bottom of the assignment and remember references (where applicable)