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DrBoar3085 We have covered a lot of ground in this class this quarter, and you…We have covered a lot of ground in this class this quarter, and you may have felt like you had little time to stop for a breath.  That changes this week.  Let’s take some time to pause, look back at what we have learned, celebrate our successes, and evaluate areas where we can still improve.  In this week’s final assignment, we will use self-reflection to analyze our strengths so that we can continue to build on them, and we will identify areas where we can improve so we can increase our success in our future coursework and careers. This assignment has two parts.  Please use the provided template Download provided templateto conduct your self-assessment and submit it for grading.  As this is not a formal essay, you are not required to use an APA title page; however, you should double space and pay careful attention to sentence structure, grammar, spelling, etc. Part 1: Review the entire class, starting with Week 1.  Recall the objectives, lectures, discussions, and assignments included each week (hint: your lecture offers this review as well!).  Reflect on what seemed to come easy to you and where you experienced challenges.  After reflecting on the entire class, identify your top three accomplishments (where you felt you did well; areas of success) and your top three opportunities (those things that were more challenging; areas of struggle).  In complete sentences, list these in numbered format (following the template).  Be sure to provide specific details in terms of assignment names and writing strategies, etc.  Note: You might consider that what was once an opportunity may have eventually become an accomplishment.   Self-Reflection Activity TemplateRefer to the assignment instructions to compete each section identified below.Part 1: Accomplishments:[Enter your first accomplishment here][Enter your second accomplishment here][Enter your third accomplishment here]Opportunities:[Enter your first opportunity here][Enter your second opportunity here][Enter your third opportunity here]Part 2: Reviewing the list of accomplishments and opportunities, tell us a short story in just two paragraphs that identifies how you achieved your accomplishments (first paragraph) and how you plan to strategically tackle your opportunities in the future (second paragraph).  WEEK 1:Image transcription textE The Literacy Autobiography 0 Your Literacy Autobiography willE AnnotatingTextAutobiography o & Summarizing be partsummary and part personal E The Writing Process 0 . I … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWeek 2 Lecture Q Lesson 1 – The Parts of an Essay ENG1201 -10W – Week 2 Lesson 2 of 2 100% COMPLETE APA Referencing= The Parts of an Essay APA Referencing ?… Show moreImage transcription textWeek 3 Lecture Lesson 1 of I Shitty First Drafts & Your FirstDraft _= Shitty F’Irst Drafts 8:er First _’) Draft … Show moreImage transcription textWeek 4 Lecture Q A Home 22 ENG1201 – 10W – Week 4 E ineLesson 1 of 1 1 100% COMPLETE Revising and Finalizing theLiteracy Autobiography = Revising and Finalizing the L… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textWeek 5 Lecture Q = ENG1201 – 10W – Lesson 1 of 1 Week 5Introducing the Critical 100% COMPLETE Essay = Introducingthe Critical Essay ?… Show moreImage transcription textWeek 6 Lecture ENG1201- 10W – Lesson 1 of 1 Week 6 Sources& Citations 100% COMPLETE Sources & Citations ?bpics…. Show moreImage transcription textWeek 7 Lecture ENG1201 – 10w – 1 wee” Writing Your ShittyFirst — Draft 5 Writing Your Shitty First Draft _’) … Show moreImage transcription textWeek 8 Lecture Q ENG1201 – 10W – Lesson 1 of 1 Week 8 Yeah!You have a Shitty 0% COMPLETE First Draft! = Yeah! You have aShitty First O Draft! ?… Show moreImage transcription textWeek 9 Lecture Q ENG1201 – 10W – Lesson 1 of 1 Week 9Feedback 100% COMPLETE = Feedback ? Reading Feedback… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish