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ConstablePowerRaccoon34 I really need help with this personal statement (editing)     One…I really need help with this personal statement (editing)  One of my favorite quotes is from Frida Kahlo “The most powerful art is to make pain a talisman that cures. A butterfly is reborn in a festival of colors!” this is a quote that I can relate to myself because I consider myself a fighter, in life there are two options; or you make yourself a victim or you make yourself a winner. I decided to make myself a winner, there were many reasons to give up but I knew I was meant to be more. One of the first obstacles that I had to face was coming to the United States this was a difficult transition because I had to learn a new language and a new culture and coming from a country where women are not very valued I thought that I was not mean to be in college especially in a career where you don’t see a lot of women on it also I  grew up in an environment where my mentally was weak and I discover this later on in my past relationship where I let myself down at the worst possible way, where I learned how little I thought of myself and where I let myself manipulate. Being in an abusive relationship was a blessing in disguise because I learned how strong I am and to be honest was one of the toughest things I did in my life because getting out from a situation like that was very painful but I made the pain a talisman that cured me and now I’m sure that passing through this event just made me stronger as a reborn butterfly to do things great.I was asked what skills I can bring to the table and my strongest one is that I don’t give up and I really prove myself when I had to put all my strength to get out of bed and put my life back to something better and this what shows determination in someone because life puts you in situations where you sure will fall but what defines a person is how many times you get back up. I feel like a different person because many things made me a more compassionate person where I want to help other people and where I finding the path where I should be. Another skill that I feel that is very important to my school and to myself is that I can bring more diversity to the engineering being from a different country really means that I have a more open mind to relate with people and other cultures which I think is a plus in a different country.Consequently, I want to continue in my path and I want to help. I want to do something good for my community and the world this why I want to become an engineer and one of research of interest is to learn more about how we can create to bring water to people and at the same time implementing new technology to conserve our environment. I think water is one of the most value resource we still have, and I want to do more about how we can still take care of it. That is why I think going to a country that has one of the lowest levels of annual rainfall and where the sources of bring water to community are desalination, ground water and recycled water. Qatar seems to be an ideal place for the type of degree that I want to do since desalination is on the top of my interest about engineering.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish