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Lesson Plan Template General Information Complete the table below…

Lesson Plan Template

General Information

Complete the table below to identify general information about the lesson. The first column lists the lesson plan elements, while the second column provides space for you to enter your plan for each element.

Lesson Plan Element

Your Plan

Lesson Focus/Subject Area

What is the central focus of the lesson? What subject(s) will be covered in the lesson?


Grade Level

What grade level(s) will be targeted in the lesson?


Standards and Objectives

Complete the table below to identify general information about the lesson. The first column lists the lesson plan elements, while the second column provides space for you to enter your plan for each element.

Lesson Plan Element

Your Plan

Content Standard(s) 

What state, national, or other required standards are being addressed (e.g., language, technology, etc.)? Include the coding and wording of the standards.



What are the SMART goals/objectives that are aligned with the standards for the lesson?


Resources and Technology 

Complete the table below to identify general information about the lesson. The first column lists the lesson plan elements, while the second column provides space for you to enter your plan for each element.

Lesson Plan Element

Your Plan


What materials and instructional resources are needed for the teacher and students? How will they support and enhance the lesson?



What technology devices, software, and/or web-based content resources will be incorporated into the lesson? How will they be used and how do they support student learning?


Instruction and Activities

Complete the table below to identify general information about the lesson. The first column lists the lesson plan elements, while the second column provides space for you to enter your plan for each element.

Lesson Plan Element

Your Plan


How will you determine what prior knowledge, skills, and/or experiences related to the lesson topic students have had? 


Academic Language 

What content-specific vocabulary and/or language should students know or understand for the lesson? How will you incorporate the academic language into the lesson?


Introduction/Anticipatory Set

How will you introduce the lesson and grab the students’ attention? How will you “hook” them on this topic?


Instruction (I do) 

What are the step-by-step procedures that you will model in the instructional portion of this lesson? How will you check for understanding at this point in the lesson?


Guided Practice (We do) 

What learning activity will the students do in a group setting that allows them to practice and apply what they have learned? How will you check for understanding at this point in the lesson?


Independent Practice (You do) 

What learning activity will the students do individually that allows them to practice and apply what they have learned? How will you check for understanding at this point in the lesson?


Supports and Assessments

Complete the table below to identify general information about the lesson. The first column lists the lesson plan elements, while the second column provides space for you to enter your plan for each element.

Lesson Plan Element

Your Plan


What supports will you provide based on individual and group needs? Include supports for the whole class, groups of students with similar needs, individual students, and students with exceptional learning needs (e.g., IEPs or 504 plans, gifted/talented).


Lesson Closing 

How will you end the lesson and connect prior learning to new learning? Will you have a culminating activity, task, or homework assignment? 


Formative Assessment (Informal)

What strategies/activities (e.g., questioning, observation, game, low-stakes quiz) will you implement during the instructional portion of the lesson to check for understanding? 


Summative Assessment (Formal)

What type of assessment (e.g., test, written assignment, presentation, project) will you use to evaluate student learning toward the standards and goals/objectives of the lesson or unit? Describe the assessment and how it measures the student’s learning toward the standards and goals/objectives of the lesson or unit.


Using Assessment to Inform Instruction

Based on your formative and summative assessments, what information or data will you consider to inform instruction going forward?