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CRISTINAPEREZ267 1. Proposal 2. Annotated Bibliography,  3. Research Paper…1. Proposal2. Annotated Bibliography, 3. Research Paper Information Do the proposal and Annotated Bibliography about getting old decline physical activities.See the example below. the pictures.Getting old declines physical activitiesThe subject is aging. The image depicts an elderly man sitting in his chair; because of his older age, he is unable to stand up, therefore he has been there for a long time. The chair serves as a comforter or source of support for elderly persons. The root symbolizes a lengthy period of time. The image also uses dull colors to show sadness and old times. It induces a dreary and depressing mood that may be brought on by weakness and aging. The facial expression of the old man in the image shows sadness and weakness from his situation.  The theme of the image can be the impacts of aging, or we can also use the tragedy of age. From the image, we may discuss the factors brought on by aging and what are the things we can do to minimize the problem brought by aging.PROBLEM: We may observe how activities decline as we age because our bodies weaken. We get quickly exhausted from physical activity and feel like we need to rest most of the time. When older adults engage in less physical activity, their bodies get even more weakened. The problem is that as people get older, they are more likely to encounter multiple conditions concurrently that make it difficult for them to move around. As a result, they choose to relax and remain stationary because they believe they are too old to participate in physical activities.QUESTION: As we grow older, we experience an increasing number of major life changes, including physical and health challenges—and even a loss of independence. But, how does getting older actually feel? How can we manage aging while maintaining a healthy lifestyle? does growing older require relaxation and stationery living all the time? What are the causes of aging? What can we do to minimize weakening strength as we age?Image transcription textLPW, 2.. Anna-lam Bibliography; 3. RM Paper informal Do theproposal and Annotated Bibliography about getting old declinephysical activities. See the example below. Getting old … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textStep 1. Why Write a Research Proposal? The goal of a researchproposal is to convince readers that you have a good basicunderstanding of your topic; that your topic and quest… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textsafety. However, sometimes a problem can be overseen orignored, and the defective product will be produced anddistributed to costumers to millions. With infamous re… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textOrganization: The paper will begin by providing background onrecalls in general and then shift to the trend of an increasingamount of recalls in the automotive vehicle industry. T… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textThe Annotated B1bllography is a Works Cited page in MLAformat with one twist—below each entry you are required towrite a paragraph that includes a brief summary and e… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textOther Considerations: .Be brief, but be sure to include the keydetails (key details only) .Use complete sentences and StandardWritten English. SAMPLE!! Annotated Bibliography: R… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text(Reflection) According to the article, while Honda was theautomaker most affected by the Takata recall, Honda has theperception of being the most aggressive in publishing t… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textShirouzu, Norihiko. “Honda Ran Tests on Fatal Air Bag Flaw,Frustrated by Takata Reticence: Sources.” Reuters, 16 Dec.2014, /article. (Summary) After the … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textcorporations do not always have the best interest of consumers.(Synthesis) This primary source from the NHTSA was designed toinform the American public about the responsibility th… Show more… Show more Arts & HumanitiesEnglish