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Which of the following direct quotations is correctly punctuated?…

Which of the following direct quotations is correctly punctuated?

My professor told me that I need to plan ahead to do well in class.

“Planning ahead is the best way to succeed in this course,” stated my professor.

“Planning ahead” said my professor, “is the best way to succeed in this course.

My professor said that “staying ahead will help me succeed.”


In the following sentence, which words are part of the signal phrase, telling readers that quoted materials are coming?

Her article quoted a recent Massachusetts General Hospital study that found “those who engage in formal meditation for 15 minutes a day actually add gray matter to their brain’s prefrontal cortex” (Kotz, 13).

those who engage

brain’s prefrontal cortex

Her article quoted

that found


Which of the following direct quotations is punctuated correctly?

My friend asked me to pick up some coffee when I go to the store.

“When you go to the store,” my friend said, “can you please pick up some coffee?”

My friend asked “when you go to the store can you pick up some coffee?”

“When you go to the store, can you pick up coffee” asked my friend.


A student chose this quote to use in an essay about current events:

“It’s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper.” -Jerry Seinfeld 
Which of the following would be the best indirect quote for the student to use?

Jerry Seinfeld pointed out that we can’t believe that all the important news in the world fits in the paper.

“It is amazing the amount of news that happens in the world everyday always just exactly fits in the newspaper,” said Jerry Seinfeld.

Jerry Seinfeld pointed out that it is amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world fits into a newspaper.

Jerry Seinfeld reflected that the amount of news that happens in the world that can be fit into a newspaper is fascinating.


Which of the following would be considered a direct quote?

I heard a recording of the speech in which Martin Luther King Jr. said he had a dream.

“I have a dream,” proclaimed Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. exclaimed that he had a dream.

Martin Luther King Jr. stated he had a dream.


Which of the following quotations is correctly punctuated?

Work Cited:

Seattle. “Address.” Jan. 1854. Speech.

“[L]et us hope” Chief Seattle responded to Governor Isaac Stevens, “that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain.”

The sentiment “[L]et us hope that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain,” (Seattle) is one we should all support.

In his response to Governor Isaac Stevens, Chief Seattle said, “[L]et us hope that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain.”

In his response to Governor Isaac Stevens, Chief Seattle said “[L]et us hope that the hostilities between us may never return. We would have everything to lose and nothing to gain.”


Which of the following direct quotations is correctly punctuated?

I told myself remember the early bird gets the worm.

“The early bird gets the worm,” I reminded myself.

“They early bird gets the worm” I said.

“The early bird gets the worm” I told myself.


How should a writer revise the following direct quotation?

In the article “Walking Around Sydney,” Bill Bryson states, “Every dog on the face of the earth wants me dead.” (Bryson 61).

Work Cited:

Bryson, Bill. “Walking Around Sydney.” In a Sunburned Country. Broadway Books, 2000, pp. 61-63. 

Remove the author’s name from either the signal phrase or parenthetical citation.

Add an in-text or parenthetical citation.

Correct the punctuation.

Add a signal phrase.