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question 1  All of the following are dreams for the characters …

question 1 

All of the following are dreams for the characters except:


a. Walter: own a liquor store.

b. Mama: own a home.

c. Ruth: keep the family together.

d. Travis: go to college.

e. Beneatha: become a doctor.



Question 2

At the beginning of the play, the setting and family situation could be described as…

a. poor and humble.

b. wealthy and proud.

c. middle class and stable.

d. homeless and bitter.

e. none of the above.




Question 3

According to Walter, the principal problem with women is their…


a. failure to support and build up their men.

b. unfaithfulness in marriage.

c. desire to crush their men’s dreams and spirits to make themselves feel superior.

d. selfishness with money.

e. Both A&B.




Question 4

When Walter reminds Beneatha that the entire family has made many sacrifices for her benefit, she…


a. storms out of the house and never returns.

b. quits school and finds a job.

c. gets on her knees and sarcastically thanks him.

d. slaps Walter.

e. eats Mama’s plant.




Question 5

Mama’s hopes include all the following except…


a. own a car.

b. keep her family together.

c. her children will thrive.

d. make sure the insurance check is used wisely.

e.  have a garden.



Question 6

 Mama’s shriveled plant symbolizes…

a.Mama’s struggling dreams for a house and garden.

b. Mama’s dead husband.

c. the lack of opportunity to reach her dreams.

d. All of the above

e. Only A & C.


Question 7

When the check arrives, Walter tries to convince his mother about investing in the liquor store. Mama decides…

a. to give him the money.

b. to use the money in other ways which destroys Walter’s dream.

c.  to give the money to the church.

d. All of the above

e. Both A & B


Question 8

 Mama slaps Beneatha because…

a. she spent it on crack cocaine.

b.  she lost all the money to a scam.

c. she was being disrespectful to her mother’s raising of her with Christian values.

d.  she cursed God for their lives.

e.  she did not believe in God.


Question 9

Ruth considers aborting her unborn child because she is…

a.  tired of having kids.

b. planning to leave Walter anyway.

c. willing to give up her unborn child if it means saving her family that is still living.

d. All of the above

e. Both A & C.



Question 10

Mama’s motivation for buying the house is…

a. to make a statement about racial prejudice in Chicago neighborhoods.

b.  she always wanted a house, and after all, the money was hers.

c. the hope that she can set up a system of scamming white folks under false pretenses.

d. to open her own plant nursery.

e. to bring the family together and give them a new start.


Question 11

The family isn’t too thrilled with her purchase of the house because…

a. it is located in an all-white neighborhood.

b. it costs way too much.

c. it shattered Beneatha’s and Walter’s dreams.

d. it will mean working twice as hard to pay the rent.

e. they wanted to live in a condo.


Question 12

a. having a family.

b. reaching your dreams.

c. having freedom and dignity.

d. love.

e. None of the above.


Question 13

Shortly after Mama purchases the house, Walter…

a. stops going to work.

b. goes out to bars and gets drunk.

c. acts hopeless and indifferent to his family.

d. All of the above

e. None of the above


Question 14

Mama gives Walter $3,500 because…


a. she realizes she has crushed his dreams just like the rest of the world.

b. he promises to go back to college.

c. he found a new business idea.

d. he’s been working very hard and deserves it.

e. All of the above


Question 15 

Beneatha says she would never marry George Murchison because…

Select one:

a. he insults her brother Walter.

b. he’s a dishonest man.

c. he’s a rich black man who is snobbish and shallow.

d. he wants her to stay home and have children.

e. he’s not a believer in God.