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For your Week 13 Assignment, you will view a podcast discussion…

For your Week 13 Assignment, you will view a podcast discussion about project management as follows: Managing vs leading projects – Podcast #31 with Colleen McCann


After watching the discussion, identify one significant idea or concept that was discussed. For this idea or concept, analyze it as follows: 

Step 1 (What?): What did you notice / what stood out? (salient point of theme)
Describe the idea or concept fully. Ensure that it is a significant idea or concept and not something trivial. It should be something that was new to you or interesting in some way. 
You must include a direct quote of the exact words spoken during the podcast and provide appropriate APA references including the timestamp of your quote. See the section below entitled APA Referencing Guidelines below.  
Step 2 (Relates to what?): What course learning does this relate to?
Relate this to the course content – that is, identify the relevant project management theory from the course textbook. 
You must include a direct quote from the course textbook (Understanding Project Management) and provide appropriate APA referencing including the page number of the quote. See the section below entitled APA Referencing Guidelines below. 
You may not reference another source – that is, do not reference a website or other material. 
Step 3 (So what?): So what insights or conclusions can you draw?
Describe what this means to you. for example:
What are your insights?
What can be concluded?
How might this change or affect what you would do in future?
Your insight needs to be more than “I learned this concept”. You need to include some original thought here – strive for a more insightful conclusion. 

As a reminder, you need to identify one significant idea or concept. Including multiple ideas or concepts results in a lower mark. 

Your answer must include each of the three steps, Please organize these steps either in an ordered or unordered list for clarity. 


For more information, view this video:


APA Referencing Guidelines

You must provide a direct quotation from both the podcast video (Step 1) and the course textbook (Step 2). A direct quotation is a word-for-word quote taken from the video or textbook.


You should always include a signal phrase prior to the quote (such as Fernando Santiago suggests…. or The author argues that…
After the quote, include the following
For the podcast quote: (Podcast name, year published, timestamp)
For the textbook quote: (Author last name, year published, page number)

Please note: your textbook quote may not be from the ongoing case study contained in the text. 

You must also include a References sections at the end of your answer. You should include a reference item for the podcast video episode and the course textbook. 

The following are examples of the “less than 40”, “40 or more”, and References section:

During the video, Elwood P. Dowd indicates “Oh, an element of conflict in any discussion is a very good thing. It shows everybody is taking part and nobody is left out.” (Understanding Projects, 2022, 24:24). 

During the discussion of the Project Life Cycle, the author states:

The Project Manager should proactively cultivate these relationships throughout the project. Building effective relationships with stakeholders is very important, as it will help the Project Manager in virtually all aspects of managing the project, including communicating with stakeholders, resolving issues, and making changes to the project. (Barrett, 2021, p. 26)



Understanding Projects. (2022, January 11). #100 – Elwood P. Dowd: my life with Harvey. [Video]. YouTube. 

Barrett, D. C. (2021). Understanding Project Management – A Practical Guide (2nd ed.). Canadian Scholars’ Press. 


For more information about APA referencing style, please see: