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Hello I was asked to edit this to someone, and i need help with it….

Hello I was asked to edit this to someone, and i need help with it. Could you pease provide me with all mistakes, gramma, clarity’s etc.

Its an autobiography based on the novel great gatsby.

and its instructions are:

Step by Step Instructions for Writing Your Autobiography Excerpt:

1. Choose a character from the Great Gatsby

2. Choose a section of the novel that you wish to reflect upon in your excerpt.

3. Plan your excerpt. Consider the style (narrative or reflective) and how your character would feel/think about that section of the novel.

4. Write your excerpt.

5. Draft and revise your excerpt.



                                                             A Roaring Love: The Autobiography of Jay Gatsby

                          I often think about the reunion that one inclement afternoon. It was about half-past three, and I was simply radiating with nervous energy. The waiting was agony. I simply could not wait to see my Daisy. I had been preparing for ages. I anxiously sat in the living room that was filled with fresh flowers in my new suit.


             Suddenly, Nick and I heard the sound of the motor approaching the house, I jumped at the shock of her being so near already. My mind was racing with all of the scenarios I had been practicing in my head since I was made aware of the plans. I heard her tonic of a voice and it suddenly settled in. I ran towards the door in an attempt for it to look as if I was just arriving. I did not want her to think I was the one who had planned this. 

                As I approached the living room, I remembered why I had been in love with her for so many years. Her beautiful face lit up the room, and her contagious laughter put my mind at ease. I was so nervous that afternoon that I could hardly speak, my awkwardness was evident at first. Eventually, however, the rhythm of our relationship settled and I had the most wonderful afternoon. As we reminisced about what used to be, I fell more in love with her, remembering why she was just so special. 

                 At some point, we ended up at my residence and I was able to show her my greatest possessions. I still think about the moments we shared that day as I showed her around my home, exploring the gardens filled with the fresh flowers she so loved. 

            There is one moment, however, that I have thought about ever since. When we reached my shirts, Daisy was overwhelmed with emotions and began to tear up. I like to ponder about the possibility that she was imagining what her life would have been like if her wardrobe and mine were together in the closet where the lavish shirts lay. Tom’s wealth is and was nothing like mine. Maybe Daisy wished that she had ended up Mrs. Gatsby instead of Mrs. Buchanan. I daydream about this possibility, this idea that maybe she did love me as I loved her so dearly.