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ChefBravery10186 Directions – Now got through information, now through the…Directions – Now got through information, now through the importance of identifying one’s audience, I would like he/she to practice analyzing an audience for a hypothetical essay. For this discussion board assignment, I would like he or she to return to the Discussion Board II post or Blog 1 post, choose a claim (or an argument) made, and compose an initial post that discusses the details of potential audience for specific topic.

I would like to click on the following link:
which will take to a website titled “Identifying Audiences.” Please read through the entire page until her or she see all six questions the authors list that help consider specific details about your intended audience. Once answered all six questions (either on paper or on the website), use answers to compose initial post with a detailed description about intended audience as well as any difficulties anticipate in addressing this specific audience.

1. Case: It is unacceptable for minors to be allowed to acquire abortion services without their guardians’ knowledge or consent.

Families should be conscious of and keep an eye out for a wide range of potential pregnancy regulation negative effects.
If a minor is incapable of giving consent and promiscuous, their parents should know about it. In order to get the most out of your emergency contraception, it’s best to see a doctor instead of having to depend on an outing to a health center.

Counterargument: It should be legal for minors to obtain abortion services without their parents’ permission.

It’s not like all guardians are on board with medically necessary contraception and abortion.
At times, a young individual may require assistance but can’t really talk to a responsible adult about it.

I utilise factual evidence, create liberal utilisation ideas, and thus provide able to use that information if I were to devise a strategy to develop ethos (my credibility). When conducting research, for instance, I would rely only on credible data that already had heretofore been evaluated by specialists in the area and had been accepted in prestigious scholarly or medical journals. In addition to numerous instances and personal testimonies, It would however make sure to incorporate appropriate analysis statistics to support my assertion. In the end, I will indeed look for current documents that backed up my viewpoint and used as evidence.

2. Claim: Abortion should be legal.

Because banning abortions risks illegal, dangerous abortions.
The pregnancy may be a result of rape/incest.
Abortions can be medically necessary. (Health complications, miscarriages/stillborn, etc.)
Allows women the right to be in control of their own body.
Opposing claim: Abortion should be permanently banned.

Life begins at conception, making abortion murder.
Birth control and sex education make abortion unnecessary.
To turn this argument into a full essay, I would emphasize the usage of logos. To do so, I would use reliable sources from licensed doctors and health organizations, such as the WHO, that would demonstrate how effective and safe abortion procedures are. I would also use collected data over the years that show how many complicated pregnancies resulted in death due to lack of access to abortions. To incorporate the usage of pathos, I would share stories of women who struggled to find access to abortions due to their state’s abortion laws. For example, I would use the stories of women who experienced extreme health complications or were victims of rape and were denied abortions.

Arts & HumanitiesEnglish