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Inuit Formal Literary Paragraph/A formal literary paragraph is a…

Inuit Formal Literary Paragraph/A formal literary paragraph is a condensed version of a formal essay. It utilizes similar elements and follows the same pattern, but is restricted to approximately 300 words (excluding references). Concisely expressing your views within a singular paragraph is often a challenge. Every word matters. 

Review how to manipulate quotes to only use the bits that are absolutely necessary to support your point:  MLA style for direct quotes

MLA format for citations and references: MLA Citations and References Guide.

You will choose a subject/ topic, a text (either oral or written) and a direction or argument.

Choose one of the Inuit texts to work with.

Choose one of the following “First Peoples Principles of Learning”  and make the argument of how it is represented in your chosen text:

Learning ultimately supports the well-being of the self, the family, the community, the land, the spirits, and the ancestors.
Learning is holistic, reflexive, reflective, experiential, and relational (focused on connectedness, on reciprocal relationships, and a sense of place).
Learning involves recognizing the consequences of one’s actions.
Learning involves generational roles and responsibilities.
Learning recognizes the role of indigenous knowledge.
Learning is embedded in memory, history, and story.
Learning involves patience and time.
Learning requires exploration of one’s identity.
Learning involves recognizing that some knowledge is sacred and only shared with permission and/or in certain situations.

Submit your 300 word (excluding references) Formal Literary Paragraph and your planner


Writing a Formal Literary Paragraph What is a FLP (formal literary paragraph)?

?  A FLP is an _________________ paragraph that makes and supports an argument.

?  You will be given a topic to discuss.

?  Your task is to create an idea based on the topic and to find relevant and supporting examples in the _____________ to support your idea.

?  A FLP is written using similar techniques to an essay.

?  By practicing writing the FLP, you will also be establishing necessary _______ writing skills.

Step 1 – Topic Sentence

?  Your ____________ sentence must inform your reader of three things:

?  The ______________(s)

?  The ______________(s)

?  Your _______________

In John Boyne’s The Boy in the Striped Pajamas the character of Bruno is very innocent, but also deeply ignorant.

Important Note

? When referring to titles of books, plays, poems, and articles there are rules you must follow: ? 1) Underline or ______________ titles of novels and plays.
? 2) Use _____________ marks for poems, short stories, and articles.



Step 2 – Make 3 Points

?  You want to include a minimum of three points in your paragraph.

?  The best way to present your points is to use the ______________ structure.

?  You will need to use the ACE structure three times.


?  A__________________ (your point)

?  C__________________ (a quote or paraphrase)

?  E__________________ (explains how your citation supports your assertion)


?  Assertion: Bruno is very innocent and does not really understand what is happening.

?  Citation: When Boyne has Bruno say “Heil Hitler”, Bruno thinks it is another way of saying goodbye (Boyne, p. 54).

?  Explanation: This shows how much Bruno misunderstands the situation.


The Quote Sandwich

?  Don’t forget the quote sandwich.

?  Remember that you always need to _______________ your quote. Simply drop your information into the format below.

Write the author’s name here.
Write the quote here.

Enter your author and page number in the bracket! When ______ writes, ” __________” ( ___ ), he / she shows…

When Boyne has Bruno say “Heil Hitler” (Boyne, p. 54), Bruno thinks it is another way of saying goodbye.


states declares confesses says

illustrates portrays depicts demonstrates

Step 3 – A Thoughtful Conclusion

?  A strong concluding statement is extremely important.

?  You want to _______________ your main idea in a new and thought provoking way!

FLP Structure


?  Topic Sentence

?  ACE#1
? Assertion

? Citation
? Explanation

?  ACE#2
? Assertion

? Citation
? Explanation

?  ACE#3
? Assertion

? Citation
? Explanation
