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ZeroChill The email section features a scenario and requires writing a…The email section features a scenario and requires writing a document with guide words and a proper intro, body, and conclusion. Remember to include header information (i.e. to, from, subject line), a salutation, details, call to action, close, and signature block. Use mixed punctuation. You can make any missing information you need to complete the task.Email: Writing Instructions for Using a WikiYou were thrilled when the local Police Department hired you as an intern for its Information Technology Department. As a technical writer, you knew that the documents you would create would help police officers complete their jobs more easily by providing a central place for them to locate information and submit their daily reports. On your first day at your internship, your manager assigned you the task of rewriting a set of instructions that someone had written to police officers about how to post a new page on the department wiki website. You noticed that the instructions were difficult to follow and omitted important details. You would have to begin from scratch and learn the process yourself.Your manager wants you to prepare new instructions and send them in an e-mail to officers. Your manager also asks you to post the instructions to the department wiki. He explained that a wiki is a collaborative website that allows multiple users to upload, view, and edit web pages. By having the instructions on a wiki, the manager can easily upload, edit, and republish them at any time. Furthermore, having the instructions on a website allows police officers to view the instructions on their patrol car computers when they are away from the department building.Your first task is to figure out the process yourself. After exploring the wiki, you finally understand the process of posting a new wiki page. In teaching yourself, you learn that the first step is to log in to the wiki by clicking Log In at the top of the page. This allows the user to edit the wiki. Second, the user designates the location where the page is to be created. For instance, if a police officer must post a description of a civilian complaint, the officer navigates to the wiki page that contains a directory of civilian complaints. Third, the user clicks New Page and titles the page accordingly. Next, the user types in the complaint report and uses the wiki editor toolbar to format the document. Finally, when the document is formatted correctly and the page is ready to be published, the user clicks Save. These instructions will be available at the wiki site. Officers will also find tips on how to format and what to do if they accidentally file a page that is incomplete or incorrect. But first they must open a wiki account in the department office.Your Task: Your manager, Jack Travis, asks you to draft an e-mail for him. The email will have Jack’s name and email address in the “From” line.The email will go to police officers with instructions to help them create new pages on the department wiki site.Include an introduction with as much information as you think necessary.The body must include bullet point or number paragraph formatting.Where can the police officers go if they have questions? Provide a person’s contact information (not Jack’s name), action for the reader, and an end-date in the conclusion.Arts & HumanitiesEnglish