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ChancellorTigerMaster376 determine whether the source is appropriate, relevant , and…Image transcription textJOURNAL OF ASTHMA 2019, VOL. 56, NO. 3, 273-284 Taylor& Francis 2018.1455856Taylor & Francis Group PEDIATRIC ASTHMA Ch… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text274 M. R. PATEL ET AL 3 intent of modifying provider behaviorand maximizing pediatric patients with asthma in nine Michigan(MI) patient engagement. Further, recent approaches … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textmaterials. and. assessed for eligibility. Of those. [12 weresuccessfully contacted. consented to participate. and providedbaseline data. PCPs were excluded due to not meeting … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textres @ MHF’ATELEI’AL culturally sensitive treatment plans,eliciting informa— tion about folk remedies} [I — not at all skilled:5 — very skilled}, and their cultural communication pra… Show more… Show moreImage transcription text278 M. R. PATEL ET AL Table 2. Physician and practicecharacteristics at baseline by treatment group. Factor Control (n= 32) % (n) PACE (n = 44) % [n) PACE Plus (n = 36) % (n)… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJOURNAL OF ASTHMA () 279 Table E3. Changes in symptom andasthma health care utilization, quality of life and satisfactionmeasured at baseline, 9 months, and 21 months. Short… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTable 1. Baseline characteristics of patients by treatment group.Factor Control (n = 172) % (n) PACE (n = 282) % (n) PACE Plus (n =413) % (n) -value* Child sex (% male) 64.5 (111 59.2 (1… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textM. R. PATEL ET AL Table E4. Changes in patient perception inprovider’s communication and counseling practice over the shortand long term, measured at baseline, 9 months, and 21… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJOURNAL OF ASTHMA @ 281 Table E5. Changes in physicianperception of communication and asthma counseling practicesover the short and long term, measured at baseline, 9 … Show more… Show moreImage transcription text282 (M. R. PATEL ET AL Table 6. Intervention effects on visit time.PACE vs. PACE Plus PACE vs. Control Visit time Estimate (95% CI)P-value Estimate (95% CI P-value Short-term outcom… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textJOURNAL OF ASTHMA () 283 specific survey items thatmeasured culturally sensitive measures not verified may be proneto error in recall communication. Another explanation … Show more… Show moredetermine whether the source is appropriate, relevant, and determine what type of source this is. Is the article a primary source that collects and analyzes its own data? And if so, is it a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research study? Is this source a primary source that the team can potentially use to answer the clinical question in the Group Presentation? IMRaD – identify the Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion sections of the articles:what is the purpose/aim/rationale for the study?what are the independent and dependent variables?what is the research design? how did the researcher collect the data?what are the key findings, conclusions, and recommendations? Sample:is the sample representative? is the sample sufficient? is there a sampling bias?can we confidently generalize the findings to the wider population? 3. Research Design:is the selected design appropriate?could they have done something differently to ensure validity?   4. Are the findings statistically significant?5. What might have biased the results?6. What are the major limitations of the study?7. Do you agree with the researcher’s interpretation? Are the conclusions logical based on the data? 8. Is the study current? Is the study relevant?9. Is the study helpful to your clinical practice? How does it relate to current Best Practice Guidelines? determine whether the source is appropriate, relevant, and reliable  Arts & HumanitiesEnglish