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1.This is an area that Im actively working on right now. …

1.This is an area that Im actively working on right now.   Communication is an important factor for the success of a business.  The hard parts of communication is getting together the relevant stakeholders and getting them on the same page on who to communicate with, when will that communication initiate and end, and what is to be communicated.  Businesses that operate with regulatory requirements such as ISO9001 and have a need for a quality management system will have to have procedural documentation that specifies how these communication efforts are done, but for others this can be challenging.  Communication both in procedurally how we do things and also how we talk to each other, about each other, or our management and customers/suppliers can also have an effect on the opinions in the workplace and how people or other organizations are treated.  We must be careful that what we say and how we say it, as it may form an opinion on someone or something. 





While listening to the Ted Talk “Institutions vs. Collaboration by Clay Shirky,” he asks, “How do groups get anything done?”. Hearing the question made me think about the past when I had to work in groups and how nothing would get done unless someone in the group did the work. Then, in the Ted Talk, he mentions one of the reasons was that people in the group lacked communication, which, in my experience, is all true, even though I remember I was the one who constantly communicated, but nothing would happen. Clay Shirky did a data basis on showing a website where people can upload their photos to share their experiences and something he found interesting was people were able to tag one another, Clay explains if it was from last year he would not be able to present this but by this he explains on how it relates to groups. Though in this part it was sort of hard to understand. In the data basis it was showing that the professional photographer would take about 350 photos versus the not professional would only do 100. In this data basis Clay mentions 80% of the group would only do one part versus the other 20% does all the work. In this, it shows that groups really seem to not work although Clay mentions some things that can actually help resolve. Resolving some of these issues in order to have a good group that actually works together. The solutions are by having someone having all the information in order to give each person part to work in the group.  

I do not have professional experiences but I did have experience in groups in my school and at my old work job I had. Though I do have hopes, I hope one day there will be a group that everyone works hard in and is really good. I Wish that there were multiple groups that are good in order to have a good business I hope to have in the future. This wish and hope is big but hearing from Clay Shirky I can use his ideas in groups in the future and hope it works.





please do discussion for both of comments and do them separate