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Authentic observation documentation will be needed to complete the…

Authentic observation documentation will be needed to complete the developmental summary report and plan of action. 

Make note of how IFSP or IEP goals are being addressed in the classroom. 

You will use authentic observation practices to observe the child in their natural environment making note of classroom adaptations and modifications through daily routines and learning activities throughout the day. 

Tell me about your child.


Andra is a bright and energetic five-year-old. Drawing and coloring are her favorite activities. She could spend hours creating beautiful artwork with her crayons and coloring books.


We enjoy spending time outside as a family. We often go for picnics in the park, and Andra loves running around and playing on the swings. We also enjoy reading books together before bedtime as a special bonding experience.


Andra has a younger brother named Sean, who is two years old. They have a typical sibling relationship – they adore each other one moment and have little squabbles the next. 

But, on the whole, they get along well, and I can tell Sean looks up to Andra. 


Describe a typical morning as you prepare your child(ren) for school.

Our mornings can be hectic! I wake up early to prepare breakfast for the family. Andra usually gets dressed quickly because she is excited about school. After breakfast, I help her pack her backpack with her favorite snacks and her drawings, which she loves to show to her friends and teachers. 

What soothes your child when they are upset? 

Andra has a favorite stuffed animal named “Mr. Rabbit.” Whenever she’s upset, hugging Mr. Rabbit seems to make everything better. We also have a calming routine in which we sit down together, take deep breaths, and discuss what is bothering her. 


Does your child play well with other children? 

Yes, Andra gets along well with other kids. She’s outgoing and enjoys having playdates with her school friends. However, like any child, she has her moments of shyness or frustration, but overall, she’s a friendly and cooperative playmate.


Tell me more about your child’s identified disability or delay. 

We noticed Andra was having difficulty with speech development prior to the diagnosis. She was having difficulty pronouncing certain sounds and wasn’t as verbal as other children her age. 


What developmental concerns did you have before the diagnosis?

Andra’s speech delay was our main concern. We were worried that it might affect her ability to communicate effectively and impact her performance in school. 


What were the first signs/symptoms that you noticed as a parent?

The first signs were her difficulty in pronouncing certain words and her limited vocabulary compared to her peers.


Tell me more about the therapies your child receives. 

Andra is currently receiving speech therapy. She meets with a speech therapist twice a week to work on improving her speech and language skills. 


What form of communication do you have with the professionals who work with your child?

We communicate with Andra’s speech therapist through a combination of in-person meetings and email. We discuss her progress, any concerns we have, and strategies to support her at home. 


How do you participate in your child’s IFSP/IEP team?

We actively participate in Andra’s IEP meetings at school. We attend meetings where we discuss her progress, set goals, and collaborate with her teachers and therapists to ensure she’s receiving the support she needs to thrive in school.