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Hello I was asked to edit this to someone, and i need help with it….

Hello I was asked to edit this to someone, and i need help with it. Could you pease provide me with all mistakes, grammar, clarity’s etc.

Its an autobiography based on the novel great gatsby.

and its instructions are:

Step by Step Instructions for Writing Your Autobiography Excerpt:

1. Choose a character from the Great Gatsby

2. Choose a section of the novel that you wish to reflect upon in your excerpt.

3. Plan your excerpt. Consider the style (narrative or reflective) and how your character would feel/think about that section of the novel.

4. Write your excerpt.

5. Draft and revise your excerpt.

Must be Times New Roman size 12 font, 250-500 words (1-2 pages) and double spaced



The green light, a distant speck of hope forever etched in my memory, stands as a testament to my unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of the American Dream. It was on that fateful evening, as I stood outside my extravagant mansion, that I first laid eyes on it. Its glow shimmered across the bay, captivating my gaze and igniting a fire within my soul. 


To the outside world, I was Jay Gatsby, the embodiment of grandeur and mystery. They saw the extravagant parties and the opulence that surrounded me, but they failed to see the true essence of my existence. Deep within, my heart beat with a yearning for something more—something symbolized by that green light.In that moment, I believed I could rewrite the course of my destiny. Through sheer willpower and the illusion I had crafted, I was convinced that I could bridge the gap that separated me from Daisy Buchanan, the woman who held my heart captive. She, too, seemed forever out of reach, just like the green light. Her world was one of old money and privilege, while I was a self-made man, an outsider desperate to be welcomed into her exclusive realm. 


Nick Carraway, a confidant who peered into my soul, once observed that I possessed an extraordinary gift for hope. Little did he know the depths of my yearning and the relentless pursuit of a love that seemed forever elusive. But as the events unfolded, reality pierced the bubble of my illusions. The green light, once a symbol of boundless promise, began to fade, revealing the harsh truth I had tried so desperately to deny. 

Looking back now, I see the tragic irony of it all. The green light, a beacon of hope, had become a haunting reminder of my limitations and the cruelties of fate. My pursuit of Daisy had been an illusion, a mirage that dissolved in the face of reality. Yet, even in the face of disillusionment, I cannot help but wonder if the green light still shines for others, leading them towards their own illusions and aspirations. 

As I reflect upon those moments, a bittersweet sense of nostalgia washes over me. The green light may have faded, but the lessons it taught me endure. It is the pursuit of the impossible, the creation of our own mythologies, that defines us. And so, I, Jay Gatsby, remain forever intertwined with the green light—a symbol of both triumph and heartrending defeat.