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edit essay # 4  from this note prepective ( note:After reviewing…

edit essay # 4  from this note prepective ( note:After reviewing the four essays and the rubric, it appears that Essay 3 would be the best fit for answering the given homework prompt at a Rubric level 4. The essay demonstrates an excellent understanding of the text and addresses the prompt in a clear and concise manner. The author effectively makes and explains deeper meaning inferences with clear connections to the thesis. Additionally, the essay utilizes thorough and relevant direct textual evidence with correct MLA referencing to support its argument.

However, there are a few minor changes that could be made to improve the essay. For example, the introduction could be more engaging and attention-grabbing, and the conclusion could provide a more powerful final thought. Additionally, there are a few minor errors in grammar and punctuation that could be corrected.


Which essay would be most appropriate to respond to your homework assignment on the subject of “Whose tale is more accurate? Essay #4 would be “Leggatt’s or Archbold’s?”

Here are some explanations:

Reading 1 (Thinking) – The essay should draw deeper conclusions from the material and/or explain them. The deeper significance of the text is made and explained in Essay #4 using logical deductions that back up the thesis. The essay examines the personalities of Leggatt and Archbold and offers a comprehensive analysis of the various interpretations that might be made of their stories. The author’s point of view is successfully persuaded by including counterarguments and counterarguments.

Essay #4 makes extensive use of direct support by choosing pertinent direct textual material, properly citing it, and offering instances to back up the thesis. To support their analysis and interpretation, the author quotes particular sections from the book, and all references are correctly cited using the MLA style.


Essay #4 creates links between the thesis and another text or the outside world, as specified by the criteria, and the lead and clincher illuminate new perspectives on the thesis idea. Effectively introducing and summarizing the essay, the lead and clincher offer fresh insights and viewpoints that strengthen the author’s thesis.

The structure of Essay #4 in Writing 1 – Developing and Organizing Content (Communication) is well-organized, with logical progression and effective use of transitions. The body paragraphs are well-structured, with topic sentences that make obvious what each paragraph is trying to say. The essay incorporates quotes into the sentences, uses MLA formatted in-text citations, and ends with sentences that refer back to the thesis.

Overall, Essay #4 satisfies all the requirements listed in the level 4 rubric and makes a defensible case for the veracity of Leggatt and Archbold’s narratives.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that the rubric calls for in-depth study and interpretation of the text, as well as specific references and examples to support the point. Additionally, the essay needs to be well planned and ordered with logical transitions between paragraphs. Therefore, if any of the essays fall short in these areas, they might need to be amended.) Also add evidence ” qoutes” same essay #3 from Novella: The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad
using this link :

Link for the essays # 3 and 4