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A. (1-3.) The main idea of the following textbook passage is…

A. (1-3.) The main idea of the following textbook passage is boldfaced. Complete the map below by filling in the three major details, including brief explanations of each detail

“In Latin, plagiarism means “kidnapper.” To plagiarize means to use another person’s words or ideas as if they were one’s own original creations. ‘Quite simply, it is theft. “Common thieves steal material goods that legally belong to others and then use this property as it if were rightfully theirs. Plagiarists do the same with words and ideas. “This theft can occur in three forms: global, patchwork, and incremental. “Global plagiarism is stealing all the words and ideas from another source and passing them off as one’s own. “This is the most blatant kind of plagiarism and is considered to be grossly unethical. ‘Patchwork plagiarism occurs when words and ideas are pilfered from several sources and then patched together.

“°In other words, instead of copying everything from one single source, the thief copies word for word from several sources. “In global and patchwork plagiarism, entire sections are copied verbatim. “A third kind of plagiarism, incremental plagia-rism, occurs when small portions (choice words or phrases) are borrowed from different parts of one source without proper credit being given.



B. (4-6.) Outline the following textbook passage by filling in the main idea and the two major supporting details.

“What causes forgetting? “Research has established that most forgetting occurs because of interference from other information, which can take place in two ways. “In proactive interference, prior information inhibits our ability to remember new information. “For instance, if you have a new locker combination each year, you may have difficulty remembering it because you keep recalling the old one.

SIn retroactive interference, new information inhibits our ability to remember old information. Now that you finally know your new locker combination, you may find that you have forgotten the old one. “In both cases, we forget because competing information displaces the information we are trying to retrieve.

Main idea:




C. (7-10.) Outline the following textbook passage by filling in the main idea and the major supporting details, including brief explanations of each detail.

Note: The number of answer lines given does not indicate the number of major details in the passage.

‘There are stages to children’s play. Initially, they engage in solitary play.

“They may show a preference for being near other children and show some interest in what those others are doing, but their own individual play runs an independent course. “Solitary play is eventually replaced by parallel play, in which children use similar materials (such as a pail and toy shovel) and engage in similar activity (such as digging sand), typically near one another; but they hardly interact at all. “By age 3, most children show at least some cooperative play, a form that involves direct child-to-child interaction and requires some cooperative role-taking. “Examples of such role-taking can be found in the “pretend” games that children use to explore such mysteries as adult relationships (for example, games of “Mommy and Daddy”) and other children’s anatomy (for example, games of “doctor”).

Main idea:??

Image transcription text

There are three forms of plagiarism.