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  the peer’s response: z Manage Discussion Entry The article I…


the peer’s response:


Manage Discussion Entry

The article I chose for this discussion is “A (Very) Simple Way to Improve Your Writing” by Mark Rennella in the Harvard Business Review, to an external site.. The article is from January 31,2022, which is only a year and a half ago, which I would consider very current. With a topic such as writing, there is not a lot of drastic changes that are made yearly so, even if the article were 5-10 years old, I would still consider it current. If it were an article related to science or medicine, I would definitely want the article to be no more than 5 years old to consider it current, due to the constant discoveries being made.

The article is relevant to writing, even having writing in the title. In reality, the article does focus on how focus will improve your writing and how to achieve that focus in writing. Being that I often lack focus, I find the article particularly relevant to me.

Mark Rennella has the authority on the subject of writing. He is an associate editor at Harvard Business Publishing, as well as having taught literature at Harvard and being a writing coach for BSA students (Rennella, 2023). These qualifications make him an authority on writing.  

The article is accurate as far as grammar, spelling, and style. Rennella (2022) references the Pyramid Principle as being similar to his method. After viewing the video The Minto Pyramid Principle Explained with Examples, I find the articles contents are very similar, further proving accuracy (EPM, 2022).

The purpose of the article is in the name. The article does stay focused on the title of the article, with the only straying in examples, which in my opinion isn’t really straying.

That being said. I feel the article meets the five criteria and would be a valid article to use in a paper on writing.

EPM. (2022, November 4). The Minto Pyramid Principle Explained with Examples [Video]. YouTube.                                                                                    

Rennella, M. (2022, February 7). A (Very) simple way to improve your writing. Harvard Business Review.                                                                 to an external site.        

Rennella, Ph.D., Mark – BenBella Books. (2023, May 11). BenBella Books. to an external site.


answer the following to the peer’s post:

Using the criteria from the Unit 3 reading, make a one-paragraph critique of your peer’s summary.

In the critique, identify what was well written and explain why-how does it align with the reading from Unit 3.
In the critique, recommend possible improvements and explain why they are needed-align the recommendation to the reading from Unit 3.