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Part One: Alternate Response Items:  Use ” Correct ” or “…

Part One: Alternate Response Items: Use “Correct” or “Incorrect” to respond to items 1-10 about use of portfolios in assessing young children’s learning and development. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

A portfolio is a “method” of assessment

Portfolios are well suited for formal but not informal data about a child’s learning.

Portfolios are flexible and adaptable in the assessment process.

Portfolios are a good source of information for communicating with and about children and their learning.

Portfolios include core required items as well as individualized items jointly selected by the teacher and child.

Children’s learning behavior cannot be accurately interpreted outside their social-cultural context.

Children’s work samples used for assessment are exempt from questions of reliability and validity.

Teachers should expect some error in any assessment information collected about a child.

Portfolios provide opportunities for children to develop abilities to reflect on, and assess, their own learning.

Portfolios fulfill the purposes of both formative and summative assessment of children’s learning.

Part Two: Matching Items: Portfolio Types: Column A provides descriptions/uses of portfolios; and Column B provides types of portfolios. Match the description in Column A with the correct and best portfolio type in Column B. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.


Column A

A collection of all work samples of a child as a way to not lose them

A collection of a child’s best work over the course of an instructional or learning period

A collection of a child’s ongoing work, as part of a larger project with teacher’s comments on how to improve

A collection of a child’s selected, scored work, which can be used to make judgment about the child’s learning

A collection of a child’s work to show progress and overall comprehensive learning

Column B

a. Showcase portfolio
b. Evaluation portfolio
c. Documentation Portfolio d. Process Portfolio
e. Interview Portfolio
f. Keepsake Portfolio

Part Three: Multiple Choice Items: For items 16-19 select the correct and best option. Mark your answers on the Answer Sheet.

What is a portfolio used for in the assessment process?

a. reporting test scores to parents c. compiling evidence to document a child’s learning
b. to organize the class into ability groups d. comparing a child’s writing ability to other children’s.

Among the following, which one does not apply to portfolios as a tool of assessment? Portfolios:
a. capture many dimensions of learning and development c. help children assume responsibility b. focus on children’s weaknesses and help from peers d. focus on children’s strengths

To ensure authenticity and trustworthiness of data, teachers must ensure that the samples (e.g. test scores) are: a. adequate, representative, consistent, realistic c. adequate, stable, comparative, cumulative
b. cumulative, balanced, comparative, reliable d. comparative, stable, balanced, cumulative

The following factors help teachers in making correct meaning out of a child’s collected assessment information: a. child’s temperament, interests, approach to learning c. previous assessments and parent help at home
b. the child’s urge and ability to be active in class d. child’s interests and availability of books at home

Part 4: Completion Item: For item 20, provide one word or a short phrase as your answer:

20. Analyzing a child’s test performance using a band or interval within which a child’s score falls (i.e., how a child’s score or performance can “swing/fluctuate”) helps minimize __________________ in assessment ..