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How can I reword this ?   My Philosophy of Classroom Management…

How can I reword this ?


My Philosophy of Classroom Management

Classroom management is meant to provide students with the ability to learn effectively

and promote organized and task-oriented classrooms. With that being said, I believe that

classroom management should be one of the top priorities to master as a teacher. As an educator I

plan to incorporate Harry Wong’s method in my classroom. Behavioral issues in students are one

of the most difficult things to manage in the classroom setting in my opinion and Wong really

gives useful tips to educators that we can use in the classroom to create order. I also need to

ensure that I incorporate the Love and Logic method into the daily classroom simply because it

educates teachers on being mindful of their own attitudes and behaviors and how they affect

students and their attitudes and behaviors.

As a teacher I plan to try and remain positive and kind towards my student so that their

attitudes will reflect as positive and kind. It is imperative that I teach my students core values and

responsibility as they may have never been taught them before and that is why I strongly believe

that I will incorporate the S.T.A.R. method into my classroom. I want my students to understand

honesty, respect, integrity, caring, courage justice and politeness are all core values and all

important that these values be upheld in my classroom so that all students and teachers are being

respected by everyone. The S.T.A.R. method benefits the students not only in the classroom but

also teaches students skills they can use throughout their lifetime. To think of how exactly I plan

to handle behavior issues in my future classroom I know that Kagan, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win

Discipline method will help provide me with tools to use when disciplining a child, the moment

the disruption occurs. It also ensures that I am learning each of my students individually and the

knowledge of what each student needs to maintain a full cup. I understand how important it is to

learn the seven positions of a student and which position a student is in when bad behavior

occurs and what discipline method is best to be used at the time.

My classroom management framework promotes learning and meets the needs of all my

students by staying organized and promoting positive attitudes, responsibility, self-confidence,

and kindness. If things are not planned out and done properly the classroom can become very

disorganized, hectic and behavior issues are more likely to occur. My classroom management

framework shows valuable tools using the S.T.A.R. method and the Love and Logic method

encouraging self-motivation and creates opportunities for positive social interaction by teaching

our students these valuable tools. By teaching students’ responsibility and modeling positive

behavior is how they are taught self-motivation and positive social interaction and kindness and

love towards each other can really go a long way. I specifically chose these four methods

because they are all based off my personal philosophy, and I will incorporate them into my daily

classroom because this is how I truly want my classroom to function in the future