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Instruction: Read the advertisement below carefully and then answer…

Instruction: Read the advertisement below carefully and then answer items 12-17 on the basis of what is stated or implied.



       GIVE YOUR CHILD THE CHILDREN’S ASPIRIN MORE DOCTORS RECOMMEND THAN ANY OTHER. It tastes better. Its pure, natural (not artificial) orange flavour and creamy smoothness make it more pleasant for children.

        It’s the highest quality. Scientifically tested ingredients and 224 quality-control 
Checks ensure maximum reliability.

In a national survey it was picked 4 to 1 by children’s doctors who recommended an individual brand. Of course, little boys and girls prefer the genuine orange flavour of

                                                  ST. MICHAEL ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN

But even more important to you, as a mother, is the reliable purity of this aspirin itself. It takes 224 careful product-control checks to ensure the highest quality. But it’s worth it. Because that’s what makes

                           ST. MICHAEL ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN

The preferred way to relieve the big fevers, little aches, the distress children suffer when they come down with colds. Doctors know about the highest quality of this aspirin. That’s why, in a survey practically all of the children’s doctors in the nation,

                          ST. MICHAEL ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN

as specified 4 to 1 among those who recommend a brand.

But one thing the majority of children’s doctors do not favour is the addition of other ingredients (such as bufferin) to children’s aspirin. So always give your children pure

                                 ST. MICHAEL ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN.


12. One of the claims made by the advertisement is that St. Michael aspirin*

1 point



tastes better than other aspirins



works faster than other brands



is the only children’s aspirin



is used by mothers all over the world


13. From the advertisement it can be inferred that doctors recommend St. Michael aspirin because*

1 point



children like it



it is the cheapest brand



its quality is excellent



it is easy to obtain


14. The passage is directed specifically to*

1 point














15. The words “ST. MICHAEL ASPIRIN FOR CHILDREN” (line 8) are printed in block capitals to*

1 point



introduce a new product



give a neat appearance



prove reliability through quality control



capture the attention of the reader


16. The author mentions the number of quality checks on St. Michael aspirin to tell the reader that*

1 point



no artificial ingredients are added



the product is of a superior quality



it relieves all children’s diseases



it has been recommended by many doctors


17. Which of the following was a result of the survey mentioned in line 6?*

1 point



It was decided not to add bufferin to children’s aspirin



It was decided that aspirin should be flavoured with orange



The most popular brand of children’s aspirin among doctors was St. Michael



Mothers were assured of the purity of the product




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