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lovie.igho PLEASE DO NOT RUSH THIS PLEASE ANSWER IN DEPTH            …PLEASE DO NOT RUSH THISPLEASE ANSWER IN DEPTH Image transcription textPowerPoint File Edit View Insert Format Arrange Tools SlideShow Window Help B Q 8 Sun Aug 6 10:34 PM AutoSave OFF 1 .C … PhotoArt-Part3.2 – Saved to my Mac Home Insert … Show more… Show more Image transcription textPowerPoint File Edit View Insert Format Arrange Tools SlideShow Window Help B Q 8 Sun Aug 6 10:35 PM AutoSave OFF 1 .C … PhotoArt-Part3.2 – Saved to my Mac Home Insert … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPowerPoint File Edit View Insert Format Arrange Tools SlideShow Window Help B Q 8 Sun Aug 6 10:34 PM AutoSave OFF n A? . C … PhotoArt-Part2.3 – Saved to my Mac Home Inse… Show more… Show more Image transcription textPowerPoint File Edit View Insert Format Arrange Tools SlideShow Window Help B Q 8 Sun Aug 6 10:33 PM AutoSave OFF n A? C … PhotoArt-Part2.3 – Saved to my Mac Home Inser… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textPowerPoint File Edit View Insert Format Arrange Tools SlideShow Window Help B Q 8 Sun Aug 6 10:33 PM AutoSave OFF 1 .C … PhotoArt-Part2.3 – Saved to my Mac Home Insert … Show more… Show more Image transcription textPowerPoint File Edit View Insert Format Arrange Tools SlideShow Window Help B Q 8 Sun Aug 6 10:35 PM AutoSave OFF 1 .C … PhotoArt-Part3.2 – Saved to my Mac Home Insert … Show more… Show more  Length: 1700 wods minimum  You are the curator for an exhibition on photography as art. Choose 6 works total, drawing from both Part 2 and Part 3 (and also Part 1, if you like), that you believe best demonstrate the range of art photography and how it evolved. Make an argument for your choices and explain how the images push the boundaries of what we consider art. Draw on the readings to help support your argument that we should take these images seriously as art. Try to avoid gushing praise of the work and instead use the power of analysis to craete a convincing argument. Do not include the artist’s biography or other extraneous information; stay focused on your argument. Properly cite any sources you use (you may choose whichever citation method you prefer), but bear in mind that I expect you to use your own words and analysis as much as possible to synthesize what you’ve learned. This is not a research paper; this is your opportunity to apply what you have learned and make it your own.Submit through the assignment feature by midnight on 8/13. Note: If you haven’t studied the information provided on the artworks, it will be obvious, and this will hurt your grade. Be sure you demonstrate a good understanding of the work you discuss in your paper. Important: Don’t even think about plagiarizing! It is ridiculously easy to spot, and will earn you an automatic 0 on the assignment.        Arts & HumanitiesEnglish