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Module 03 Content It probably feels like we just started our…

Module 03 Content

It probably feels like we just started our learning in this class, but this week we’re going to begin planning for our final paper. To begin, start thinking about a topic for our final persuasive essay. You learned about persuasive writing during this week’s lecture – and we’ll get into more details about the essay in the coming weeks – but for now, let’s focus on two areas:

Select a topic for this essay about which you are passionate. Click on the link for a list of approved topics.

List of Approved Topics

Persuasive Topics

Here are the approved topics for the persuasive essay. You do not have to select one from your own program of study, but if you select a topic that is not on the list, you must first get approval from your course faculty member.


Cryptocurrencies will/will not have a negative impact on our economy.
Impact of technology (AI, machine learning) in the workplace will/will not have a major effect on employment
Workplace diversity training programs are/are not effective
Transferable or soft skills are/are not essential for entrepreneurial success
Emotional intelligence is/is not necessary for success in business

Early Childhood Education

Childcare professionals should be/not be required to complete training in trauma-informed care
Early childhood education programs should emphasize/not emphasize play activity
The Montessori Method is/is not beneficial for learning
Methods for reducing bullying in schools should/ should not start in early childhood
Required standardized tests are/are not the best method for assessing childhood learning

Justice Studies

Video evidence gathered from police body camera and dash-cams should/should not be released to the public
Gender equity is/is not a major issue in criminal justice employment
Privatizing prisons will/will not make the system more efficient
Participation in restorative justice programs does/does not reduce recidivism among juvenile offenders
Systemic discrimination has/has not led to disparities in the criminal justice system

Tech and Design

It is/is not ethical to manipulate photography used in published work.
Overuse of technology (phone, video games, social media, etc.)  is/is not an addiction
The digital divide is/is not a major issue in technology and design
Teens who spend more time on social media are/are not more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression
Marketing of videogames should/should not be subject to parental control

Health Sciences and Nursing

Healthcare delivery in telehealth is/is not effective
Clinical simulation is/is not the best future option for clinical education
Prescription substance abuse or the current opioid crisis needs/does not need to be addressed
Unhealthy diet is/is not the main reason behind the onset of chronic illnesses
Veterans do/do not receive the appropriate help and support when they return from service

Locate five sources that will be helpful in the research of your final paper. You’re going to submit these sources in the form of an annotated bibliography. “Annotation” is another word for “notes.” Using APA formatting, write the name of the source. Directly below the source, write an annotation of approximately 100-125 words. In the following links you will find some examples of annotated bibliographies.

Here are some resources for an annotated bibliography:

Noodle Tools Guide
Annotated Bibliography Guide