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TASKS FOR 8/21. Please have all tasks completed by midnight 8/21:…

TASKS FOR 8/21. Please have all tasks completed by midnight 8/21:

Complete reading reflection 1 and turn it into D2L. Reading reflection 1 will be due by midnight 8/21. Please look in the syllabus for a reminder on what is expected for your reading reflections.


Read through the powerpoint called Ch.1 found in D2L under week 1 and 2.  After reading the powerpoint, please answer these questions:


Do you believe that the teacher is the difference maker in the classroom? Explain. Do you think the teacher can influence student behavior and prevent unwanted behaviors? Explain.
Describe some examples of great behavior management strategies you have seen in classrooms. Describe some bad examples of behavior management you have seen in classrooms.


Read through case study 1.1 and answer the questions:


Case Study 1.1: Getting Students to Respond

Ms. Kelly believes that students must actively participate in class activities for learning to take place. She prides herself on her ability to design questions from all levels of the cognitive domain; she believes that students benefit from and enjoy working with questions that require analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. However, she is sorely disappointed because very few students have been volunteering to answer questions, and those who do volunteer usually give very brief answers.  Observation of Ms. Kelly’s class indicates a fairly regular pattern of behaviors during questioning. Standing in front of the class, she asks the first question: “Students, we have been studying the westward movement during the 1800’s. Why do you think so many thousands of people picked up and moved thousands of miles knowing that they would face incredible hardship and suffering during the long trip?” Two hands shoot up. Ms. Kelly immediately calls on Juanita. “Juanita, why do you think they went?” “They wanted new opportunities,” she answers. Ms. Kelly immediately replies. “Great answer, things where they lived must have been so bad that they decided it was worth the hardships they would face. In a new land, there would have been a new beginning, a chance to start over. Another thing might be that some might not have realized how difficult the trip would be. Do you think the hardships continued even after they arrived to Oregon and California?”

Analyze this case study and discuss the pros and cons of Ms. Kelly’s approach.
What is her teaching style and is it helping or hurting the students?
What can she do differently? Think of at least 5 different changes she can make to her delivery and lesson and describe them.
How will the changes you listed help her students?
What should Ms. Kelly do to ensure her students are not off task?


Do you believe that the teacher is the difference maker in the classroom? Explain. Do you think the teacher can influence student behavior and prevent unwanted behaviors? Explain.
Describe some examples of great behavior management strategies you have seen in classrooms. Describe some bad examples of behavior management you have seen in classrooms.