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You are interviewing for a job in the marketing department of an…

You are interviewing for a job in the marketing department of an environmental agency. As part of the application process you have been asked to develop a logo for an initiative that targets a specific environmental issue. The subject matter is your choice, but you must provide equations and limits to domain and/or range for each so a graphic designer who works for the organization could duplicate your logo.

Your logo or picture could be a way of:

educating people about environmental issues in the world at large;
drawing attention to specific environmental events (e.g. rising sea levels).
suggesting ways to reduce environmental impact.

Read the instructions for this assessment and the rubric that will be used to score it carefully. Pay close attention to the mathematical concepts that must be included. The checklist and rubric should serve as guides as you complete this activity.

Through the culminating activity, you are encouraged to translate your ideas into appropriate actions to make this world a better place. You are also encouraged to use technology to optimize your learning through technological innovations to deepen and transform your learning as you work on this activity.


Identify the environmental issue that is the focus of your logo.
Create the picture or logo using the concepts of transformations, graphing, domain and range that were taught in this course. Use a minimum of four different types of functions as the key elements of your logo. You may also use relations, such as the inverses of functions or circles.
Your logo must be displayed on a grid that shows the x and y axes with clear scales.

Incomplete example

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First Key Element (Large tree)

Equation: y=-2(x+4.5)2+4.5

Restrictions on the domain: {-7=x=-3}

Description of transformations: The parent function, has been stretched vertically by a factor of 2, reflected in the x -axis, translated left 4.5 units and translated up 4.5 units.

Second key element (Sides of the triangle)
Equation: y=-|x-1|+16
Restrictions on the domain: {x>-20}, {x< 22} Description of transformations: The parent function, y = |x|, has been reflected in the x-axis, translated right 1 unit and translated up 16 units. You may use lines to strengthen your design, but they will not count as one of the four key elements being assessed. Similarly, a line of text may be included, but will not be assessed. You may create logo using pencil and paper or the graphing technology of your choice, such as Desmos or Geogebra. Describe how your logo relates to the issue that you have chosen. Include an equation that defines it. The equation should feature at least three transformations of the associated parent function. Examples of parent functions are f(x)=x2,f(x)= vx, f(x)=2^x, f(x)=sin(x) and f(x)= |x| For each equation, describe the effects of each transformation on the parent function. State the domain and range of each function or relation and the restrictions that were applied when constructing the logo. Use correct mathematical language and notation.