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Hello could you please help me finish this project thank you  It…

Hello could you please help me finish this project

thank you 

It could be any character from the book of THE GREAT GASTBY

Character Autobiographies 

Part 1: Autobiography Excerpt

Autobiographies are a written account of a person’s life recorded by that person. As a result, autobiographies include personal reflections of events that have occurred during a person’s life.

Your task is to write an excerpt (section) that would be found in the autobiography of one of the characters from The Great Gatsby. You are not writing the whole autobiography. This excerpt will be written from the perspective of your assigned character. Your character should be commenting on a section of the novel (a specific event or situation). It is important to include how the character feels and thinks (it should reflect their character), how they perceive themselves and others, as well as what other characters think of them.

Remember, that the style of the writing and responses should feel like they come from your assigned character. This may be written as a narrative (in a story telling format), or as a reflection (diary/blog style format). For example, if your character was Daisy, you could write about Daisy’s first encounter with Gatsby from her perspective. You could simply use that section of the novel and rewrite it as if Daisy is telling that part of the story instead of Nick. You could also write it as if Daisy is reflecting back on the days events in a diary entry.

Your autobiography excerpt must be 250-500 words typed double spaced (1-2 pages max.)

Step by Step Instructions for Writing Your Autobiography Excerpt:

1. Choose a character from the Great Gatsby

2. Choose a section of the novel that you wish to reflect upon in your excerpt.

3. Plan your excerpt. Consider the style (narrative or reflective) and how your character would feel/think about that section of the novel.

4. Write your excerpt.

5. Draft and revise your excerpt.

6. Complete a final copy of your excerpt to submit.

Part 2: Autobiography Cover Art 

Your task is to create the cover of your character’s autobiography. You will consider the colours, symbols, or images you wish to include. This cover should reflect the true character of your assigned character. This cover art can be completed by hand (drawn/coloured on paper) or be digitally created. However, if you digitally create your cover art, please know that just selecting images from the internet and pasting them in a Word document with a title will not suffice as “creative”. I’m not judging anyone based on your art skills, but the effort NEEDS to be there.

You must include:

– The title of the autobiography

– It must state somewhere that it is, “The autobiography of (Your assigned Character)”

– The publisher (be creative with whom the publisher is).

– Colours, images or symbols that best reflect that character.

Format: MLA Formatting: 1 inch margins, Times New Roman size 12 font, 250-500 words (1-2 pages) and double spaced