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ProfessorRock8070   Original Paragraph Kristof (2022) believes more needs to be done… Original ParagraphKristof (2022) believes more needs to be done to make gun control safe and that the government needs to step up and put stipulations in place to help protect the American people. Kristof explains that so many steps and studies have been done on cars and the safety equipment installed in them to make roads safer for drivers with new updates and different technologies put into them, then why can’t the same effort go into making guns safer for all citizens. Even though not everyone believes gun control is the answer, it could help make America a safer place to live.RevisionThere are hundreds of shootings in the U.S every year. Having stricter gun laws could lower the violence in America involving guns. The fact that some people are not concerned about the current gun laws worries me. The fact that nothing is being done about the issue to make people safer is confusing me. Kristof (2022) believes more needs to be done to make gun control safe and that the government needs to step up and put stipulations in place to help protect the American people. So many steps and studies have been taken with cars and the safety equipment installed in them to make roads safer for drivers with recent updates and different technologies put into them. The same effort needs to go into making guns safer for all citizens. The issue cannot be ignored any longer and action needs to be taken now to protect citizens. Even though not everyone believes gun control is the answer, it could help make America a safer place to live. Kristof (2022) states “we made cars safer with airbags, seat belts, raising the drinking age, and lowering the speed limit. There are similar technological and behavioral fixes that ease the toll of gun violence, from expanded background checks to trigger locks to smart guns that recognize a thumbprint, just like my iPhone does” (p 179). Kristof is expressing different means to help get a handle on gun control and offers ideas to help make it harder for non-legal gun possession.After submitting my paper through Owl writing, I was given very lapful feed back regarding my paper. With the feedback I received it was stated that the first paragraph was pretty much all equated and did not include any of my personal opinions. After brainstorming again I was able to revise the paragraph that included more of my own thoughts. I believe the revision really helped strengthen my paper and made my introduction seem stronger. This assignment helped me become more comfortable with the writing process and the steps necessary to become a better writer.  Comment on two peers’ posts, specifically on their revision.  Is the revision major or minor? Did it improve the writing? Share one piece of advice that can be helpful for future revision. Arts & HumanitiesEnglish