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Creating an Annotated Bibliography 

ASSIGNMENT 5.4 Annotated Bibliography Learning 

Target(s): The examination of Indigenous cultures and lived experiences through text builds understanding of Canadians’ responsibilities in relation to Reconciliation. Express and support an opinion with evidence. Think critically, creatively, and reflectively to analyze ideas within, between, and beyond texts. Use information for diverse purposes and from a variety of sources. 


Task: For this assignment, student must work on annotated bibliography after conducting research focused on an essential question about Indigenous Reconciliation; examining and summarizing the resources you find and how it pertains to the research topic in the essential question. 


Essential Question: Which historically significant events and people in Canadian history indicate the most progress towards, or decline from Truth and Reconciliation for Canada’s Indigenous people? 

The main goal is to collect information as it pertains to and answers this essential question. Try and find at least five historically significant events and/or people that you can use for the purposes of the essential question.

The Annotated Bibliography should include:

an introduction that introduces the focused topic
Five sources (website, article, video, book, magazine, etc.).  For each reference write a five sentences summary about the value and relevance of the source.
Five properly formatted citations  using (M) (L) (A)

Annotated Bibliography Tips

1.  In the five sentences summary, discuss how this source was useful in writing hypothetical research project.  Be very specific for each resource.  Try and find sources that compliments one another, providing additional information with each resource. The five paragraphs should not be so similar in content that it will be just repeating constantly.


2. Start off the paragraph by identifying the type of resource.  For example,

This magazine article described the potential for the career of an accountant.  Specifically, it stated that there is a rising need for international accountants and managers of money in foreign funds.  Etc. etc.


This on-line cd rom described all the different careers that could result from a geography degree.  I found this source useful because…


3.Remember, individuals are writing paragraphs which means they need to use all of the writing tools (grammar,, spelling, punctuation, transitions, sentence variety, etc.)  Also, watch the mechanics.  Some common mistakes include:


            vague pronoun use                              misplaced modifiers

            capitalize Internet                               hyphen use (easy to understand, up to date)


4. To help keep organized, please follow this template:


1) Citation of Source: Make sure it is in (M) (L) (A) and it has a hanging indent. No bold; no underline 


2) Summary/Annotation: Describe the TYPE of source – book, article, database, video clips, etc., then summarize the entire article or excerpt you used in your own words. This should be done in three-five sentences. 


3) Analysis/Assessment: Analyze and explain why this source is credible. Describe in how the information in this source is going to be used in your paper. This should be done in five to seven sentences.