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Both science and health content are rich with complex vocabulary,…

Both science and health content are rich with complex vocabulary, reading, and writing. If students do not have a firm comprehension of the vocabulary or are struggling readers or writers, it can inhibit their learning and demonstration of the content material. There are many strategies a teacher can use to help students with content specific vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing fluency.

Allocate at least 4 hours in the field to support this field experience in a K-12 science and/or health inclusive setting.

Part 1: Revise and Conduct Small Group Activity

Meet with your mentor teacher to make any necessary changes to the remedial activity you developed for your small group in the Topic 2 Clinical Field Experience A. Review your strategies to support students with inquiry, collaboration, content specific vocabulary, reading comprehension, and/or writing fluency and ensure your exit ticket is still appropriate.

With your mentor teacher’s permissionith the small group of students you identified in Clinical Field Experience A on the remedial activity. At the end of your small group activity, ask students to complete the exit ticket that includes an open-ended question of your choice about what they learned from the lesson.

Part 2:  Collaboration with Mentor

After working with the small group of students, discuss with your mentor changes that could be made to the activity or your methods of instruction. Continue the discussion of professional practices related to meeting the needs of diverse student populations when planning science and health instruction, including supports for language and literacy.

Additionally, ask your mentor for permission to teach a lesson to the whole class during Topic 4 Clinical Field Experience C. This can be the lesson plan you developed for the topic assignment or a lesson created by the mentor teacher. Discuss differentiation strategies and how you will meet the needs of each student during the lesson.

Use any remaining time to observe and/or assist your mentor teacher or another teacher and work with an individual or small group of students on instruction in the classroom.

Part 3: Reflection

Write a 250-500 word reflection including the following:

What were some of the areas students struggled with, including students with disabilities, gifted, and ELL (i.e., vocabulary, content comprehension, pacing, or attention)?
How did you support your small group of students with the content? What strategies did you and/or the mentor teacher use to assist the struggling students and to promote inquiry and collaboration?
Summarize student responses in the exit ticket, and based on these, what are next steps for future instruction?
Summarize the discussion with your mentor teacher regarding planning instruction for science and health in an inclusive classroom. Describe the lesson you plan on teaching to the entire class in Topic 4 Clinical Field Experience C.
Reflect on what went well and what you would improve on during your small group instruction, as well as how you will use what you learned in your future teaching practice.