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Hi! I need help with my ESL 3053 class. Here are the resources you…

Hi! I need help with my ESL 3053 class. Here are the resources you will use: 


This is the rubric: 

Trait Beginning Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level
Ideas/Content Writes a few short sentences, with little variety or thematic clarity Writes several sentences with supporting details. Theme not always clear. Writes with a clear theme, supporting details, and ideas.
Organization Lacks logical sequence or so short that organization is not possible. Meaning gets lost.

Some organization with a beginning, middle, and end.

But loses its way in parts.


Follows standard organization for genre.
Voice Little feel for a person behind the writing.

Some sense of a perspective or

attitude toward the theme.


A clear voice, with humor or

authority depending on the theme.


Word Choice Student uses most common nouns and verbs. Shows a vocabulary adequate to the task but not much variety.

Uses sophisticated vocabulary appropriate to the task.


Sentence Fluency Simple short sentences throughout the piece. Shows some variety in sentence use. Some sophisticated sentences. Mature and sophisticated use of sentence variety. When read aloud, sentences flow smoothly.
Conventions Mature and sophisticated use of sentence variety. When read aloud, sentences flow smoothly. Sentences are largely clear with few errors. Some difficulty with grammar that does not vitiate meaning. Conventional grammar and spelling. Sophisticated language and conventions throughout. Writes a paragraph or more.

This is the other document you will need: 


Image transcription text

wat Llike and I don’t like For science Grade 5 The First tig I don’t Sample N – like For science Is tad 3 wi Jaffe rId
and raid 4 OF samtig . Like today wy 5 meik sam questions and wy hafto raid the answer . 7 And sometimes I
don’t no 8 the answer thats way I 9 idon’t Like. sometimes I Like 10 Science because wy doo 11 som …
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Justify your analysis by explaining your assessment for each criterion, providing examples
from the student sample to support your analysis.


This student demonstrated a beginning level of writing in Ideas/Content because he/she used
only a few sentences with little variety or thematic clarity. For example, in line 3 he/she wrote,
“Sam eats ice cream” and in line 4, he/she wrote “Same likes ice cream.” As you can see, the
student frequently uses simple sentences, only talking about the experience of eating ice
cream, but he/she never uses compound or complex sentences or provides greater detail.



You will include subheadings, naming each of the criteria utilized to assess the student writing. Under each subheading, you will include a few sentences to justify why you chose the level of proficiency that you selected from the rubric by including specific examples from the student writing (including line numbers for clarity) and the language of the rubric. You will use appropriate jargon relevant to second language literacy development to help explain your analysis.


Here are the subheadings:











Word Choice:


Sentence Fluency:




OVERALL LEVEL OF PROFICIENCY (Beginning, Intermediate, or Advanced)

Based on your scoring and justification of scores for each criterion, please provide the final overall level of proficiency of writing (for this sample).