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BrigadierAntMaster736 Going through this process will allow you to convey your thoughts…Going through this process will allow you to convey your thoughts to professionals in the field without sounding like someone new to the process. Please follow the directions below to write a good proposal for your upcoming essay about SUPPORTING ABORTION RIGHTS. In other words, this essay is about how the overturning of  OF ROE V WADE affects REPRODUCTIVE JUSTICE RIGHTS * Step 1: Name your topic If you are beginning a project with only  a topic and maybe the glimmerings of a good question or two, start by naming your project: I am trying to learn about (working on, studying) __________________________________ hint: use nouns derived from verbs A: I am studying the causes of the disappearance of large North American mammals… B: I am working on Lincoln’s beliefs about predestination and their influence on his reasoning…   Step 2: Add an Indirect Question Add an indirect question that indicates what you do not know or understand about your topic: 1. I am studying/working on_____________________________ because I want to find out who/what/when/where/whether/why/how________________________. 2a because I want to find out whether they were hunted to extinction… 2b because I want to find out how his belief in destiny influenced his understanding of the causes of the Civil War… When you add that because I want to …you state why you are pursuing your topic: to answer a question important to you. Step 3: Answer the so what? by motivating your question This step tells you whether your question might interest not just you but others. To do that, add a second indirect question that explains why you asked your first question. Introduce this second implied question with in order to help my reader understand how, why, or whether: 3a  I am studying the causes of the disappearances of large North American mammals * because I want to find out whether the earliest peoples hunted them to extinction * in order to help my reader understand whether native peoples lived in harmony with nature — or helped destroy it. 3b I am working on Lincoln’s beliefs about predestination and their influence on his reasoning * because I want to find out if his belief in destiny and God’s will influenced his understanding of the causes of the Civil War * in order to help my reader understand how his religious beliefs may have influenced his military decisions. It is the indirect question in step 3 that you hope will seize your readers’ interest. If it touches on issues important to your field, even indirectly, then your readers should care about its answer. LET’S REVIEW 1. what are you writing about — I am working on the topic of… 2. what you don’t know about it — because I want to find out if… 3. why you want your reader to know and care about it — in order to help my reader understand better… ANSWERING/COMPILING 1-3 will complete your proposal for vetting prior to approvaArts & HumanitiesEnglish