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  Description and Instructions For this lesson writing assignment,…


Description and Instructions

For this lesson writing assignment, I would like you to reflect on the process of writing a speech from the following, applying what you have learned from these two processes.          

(1.) The material you covered in Chapter 5.  
(2.) The importance of audience analysis that you covered in Chapter 6.   

There is an example below to open to view on how you should approach working on and completing this assignment.

NOTE:  Review any notes that you have taken throughout your study of this module to assist you with working through the steps. 


Here are three topics from which to select. You will then put down a general purpose statement, a specific purpose statement, and a central idea statement for a speech about the topic that you selected. I want you to write one statement clearly labeling each one as shown in the example.  You can decide to go in either an informative or a persuasive direction with the topic, and the audience would be an average class of students at Gateway. Once you have completed Step 1, move on to Step 2.

Topic Choices:

Roller Coasters
Social Security


Look at what you wrote in step 1 and look at the different audience types listed below.  For EACH audience type, explain why and how you would need to adapt your speech based upon these different audiences from what you originally wrote in Step 1.  If you think you would not need to adapt your original speech, that is fine too; just be sure to clearly state why you think what you wrote for the college student class would still work in its original form for the new audience type.




Different Audiences

A group of parents in their late 20’s to early 30’s, who all have children under 5 years of age.
A group of older individuals (all over the age of 70), who live at a local retirement community.
A group of local business professionals in their 40’s to 50’s, who are all in management positions within their individual companies.

For each of these groups, please put down a paragraph explaining how and why you would need to adapt your speech from the original audience given in step 1.  Remember, if you don’t think it needs to be adapted that is fine, you just need to provide a justification paragraph instead of the explanation for change. Again, view the example that has been provided for you.


Grading and Feedback

This writing assignment is worth 40 points and will be graded upon your ability to follow the instructions and the Writing Assignment Rubric.  You can expect to see your grade and feedback from the instructor within 7 – 10 days upon assignment submission.   


The example layout is on the next page.















Example Writing Assignment



General Purpose Statement



Specific Purpose Statement



Central Idea Statement




Group 1 audience



Group 2 audience



Group 3 audience