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Please read the text in the attached picture and answer the…

Please read the text in the attached picture and answer the following questions



Image transcription text

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman David Eagleman is a neuroscientist and bestselling
author. He is a Guggenheim Fellow, a council member on the World Economic Forum, and a professor at Baylor
University. In earlier times in our evolution, there was no real way to interact with others at a distan…
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1) Based on the text and any background information provided, what can you conclude about the author?


a.  The author believes that we have benefitted from the modern technology that allows us to interact with people at a distance.

b. The author is speaking about emotional decision making more from his own personal experience than his professional expertise.

c. The author’s professional experience and expertise have led him to form the ideas and opinions presented in this book.


2) Who do you think is the primary audience for this text?


a. Based on the tone of the text and the vocabulary, the target audience is likely to be governmental leaders developing decision-making protocols.

b. Based on the fact that the source is a book and the topic is presented scientifically, with precise vocabulary, the target audience is likely to be an educated person interested in how the brain works.

c. Based on the tone of the text and the vocabulary, the target audience is likely to be middle school students.


3) What is the author trying to achieve with this text?


a. The author’s purpose is to explain one way that personal connection and emotion affect how we make decisions.

b. The author’s purpose is to explain that if something makes you feel badly, you need to make a different decision.

c. The author’s purpose is to show that important decisions should not be made by people who are alone or detached from others.


4) What is the best text evidence to support the inference that a result of modern technology is that we can do things that have a direct, specific effect on people thousands of miles away from us?


a. “We can launch 40 surface-to-surface Tomahawk missiles from the deck of navy ships . . . with the touch of a button.”

b. “That would at least engage his emotional system in the decision making.”

c. “This impersonal nature of waging war makes it disconcertingly easy.”


5) How would you describe the tone of this text?


a. The tone of the text is excited and alarming.

b. The tone of the text is objective and dry.

c. The tone of this text is illuminating and cautionary.


6) Which of the following statements expresses the author’s opinion?


a. “Both of the neural systems battle to control the single output channel of behavior.”

b. “Generals and even soldiers commonly find themselves far removed from the people they kill.”

c.”Emotion nonetheless serves as a generally useful steering mechanism for decision making.”